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Spawned Pets
Spawned pets are summoned into the world through some sort of trigger action like a quest.
Since quests can usually only be done once, and since many quests are limited to only Horde or Alliance, taming a spawned pet can be a real accomplishment.
Note: Some spawned pets will keel over dead shortly after you tame them. This will only happen once.
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Ruins of Ammon, Uldum
50 Spawned Elite Ruins of Ammon, Uldum
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteGadgetzan, Tanaris
Name Level Location
25-30 SpawnedNetherstorm
Name Level Location
41 Spawned Zorammarsh, Tanaan Jungle
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned Springrain River, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned Springrain River, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned Springrain River, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
10-30 Spawned EliteGarvan's Reef, Howling Fjord
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dalaran
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedThe Spiral Weave (Delve Instance)
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Orsis, Uldum
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Ruins of Ammon, Uldum
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedHellfire Peninsula
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedEastern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Naxxramas (Raid)
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Springrain River, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Raptora Prime>
61 Spawned Rare Elite Garudeon's Nest, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
62-72 Spawned RareBluefeather Cliffs, Thaldraszus
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedWindshorn Hills, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedBlushwater Brook, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedTal'aman, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
10-45 Spawned EliteNastrondir, Stormheim
Name Level Location
20-40 SpawnedDeathweb Hollow, Talador
Name Level Location
10-50 Spawned RareZuldazar
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedBackwater Beach, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedDen of Haal'esh, Hellfire Peninsula
15-30 Spawned EliteNagrand - Outland
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedDen of Haal'esh, Hellfire Peninsula
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedSkettis, Terokkar Forest
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Sethekk Halls (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 SpawnedRadcliffe Landing, Val'sharah
15-30 SpawnedWestern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedPillar-nest Vosh, Azj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedArathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
<Swarm-Maven Donmiss's Minion>
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedPillar-nest Vosh, Azj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedArathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
<Swarm-Maven Donmiss's Minion>
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedPillar-nest Vosh, Azj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedArathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
<Swarm-Maven Donmiss's Minion>
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedPillar-nest Vosh, Azj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
70-80 SpawnedArathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
<Swarm-Maven Donmiss's Minion>
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
25-50 SpawnedKoramar, Nazmir
Name Level Location
25-50 SpawnedKoramar, Nazmir
50 Spawned Blood Gate, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
25-50 SpawnedAbandoned Ruin, Nazmir
25-50 SpawnedNazmir; Vol'dun; Zuldazar
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedHellfire Peninsula
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Hallowfall Gate & Candleslag Quarry, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Rare Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
60 Spawned Rare Banks of Life, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
56 Spawned Dusty Burrows, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
56 Spawned Rare Dusty Burrows, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedEastern Dunes, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Bilgewater Flats, Undermine
Name Level Location
51-60 Spawned EliteGreatwing Roost, Bastion
Name Level Location
10-45 Spawned Rare EliteWhispering Bluffs, Val'sharah
Name Level Location
15-35 SpawnedKrasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteVeil Rhaze, Terokkar Forest
Name Level Location
20-30 SpawnedBlade's Edge Mountains
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned Sprigling Gloam, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned Sprigling Gloam, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned Sprigling Gloam, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Ohn'ahran Plains; Thaldraszus
Name Level Location
10-35 SpawnedThe Jade Forest
Name Level Location
5-30 SpawnedNorthern Barrens
Name Level Location
5-30 SpawnedRuins of Mathystra, Darkshore
Name Level Location
<Son of Bonefang>
52-60 SpawnedShattered Span, Bastion
Name Level Location
52-60 SpawnedMaldraxxus
Name Level Location
10-40 SpawnedThe Cracking Plains, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Chitterspine Caverns, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Dragon's Teeth Basin, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
5-30 SpawnedDarkshore
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedZuldazar
Name Level Location
25-50 SpawnedSnapclaw Shore, Drustvar
Name Level Location
25-50 SpawnedNazmir
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedFreehold (Non-Instanced), Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedHowling Fjord
25-50 Spawned RareTimbered Strandby, Drustvar
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedZuldazar
Name Level Location
10-45 SpawnedPath of Suffering, Broken Shore
Name Level Location
10-45 SpawnedPath of Suffering, Broken Shore
Name Level Location
20-35 SpawnedZouchin Strand, Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
30-35 SpawnedShimmering Expanse
Name Level Location
15-35 SpawnedGilded Fan, Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
30-35 SpawnedLost City of the Tol'Vir (Dungeon)
30-35 Spawned EliteUldum
30-35 Spawned EliteUldum
Name Level Location
30-35 SpawnedLost City of the Tol'Vir (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-35 SpawnedGilded Fan, Valley of the Four Winds
30-35 SpawnedLost City of the Tol'Vir (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-35 SpawnedGilded Fan near New Cifera, Valley of the Four Winds
30-35 Spawned EliteUldum
Name Level Location
30-35 SpawnedLost City of the Tol'Vir (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-30 SpawnedSholazar Basin
Name Level Location
32-35 Spawned EliteDiremoor, Isle of Thunder
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
70 Spawned The Azure Span; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareBastion
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
30-60 SpawnedThe Hidden Grove, Winterspring
Name Level Location
10-60 Spawned RareWindshear Heights, Stonetalon Mountains
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedSpirit Den, The Cape of Stranglethorn
Name Level Location
20-30 SpawnedSholazar Basin
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedSpirit Den, The Cape of Stranglethorn
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
70 Spawned Elite Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
70 Spawned Elite Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
70 Spawned Elite Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
20-35 SpawnedThe Burlap Trail, Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
74-80 SpawnedThe Cataract River, The Ringing Deeps
80 Spawned The Heaps, Undermine
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
74-80 SpawnedThe Cataract River, The Ringing Deeps
80 Spawned The Heaps, Undermine
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
80 Spawned The Heaps, Undermine
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
80 Spawned The Heaps, Undermine
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedTemple of Sethraliss (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Meredil, Suramar
Name Level Location
<Malefic Shadehound>
60 Spawned The Maw
Name Level Location
50-60 SpawnedDredhollow, Revendreth
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteThe Violet Hold (Northrend Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30-40 Spawned RareThe Writhing Mire, cave, Spires of Arak
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Bittertide Lake, Sholazar Basin
Name Level Location
7-30 SpawnedThe Zoram Strand, Ashenvale
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedBouldered Bluffs, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedDesolace
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<The Onyx Serpent>
Boss The Wandering Isle
35 Spawned Elite Cloudstrike Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
80 Spawned Stormtide Dregs, Siren Isle
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
10-50 Spawned RareBlushwater Brook, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedCamp Murroch, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedOld Merchant Road, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Dragon Isles
Name Level Location
10-40 Spawned EliteThunder Pass, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
50-60 SpawnedVault of the Archon, Bastion
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Mechagon
50 Spawned Sparkweaver Point, Mechagon
50 Spawned Sparkweaver Point, Mechagon
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Mechagon
50 Spawned Sparkweaver Point, Mechagon
50 Spawned Sparkweaver Point, Mechagon
Name Level Location
50 Spawned The Heaps, Mechagon
Name Level Location
50 Spawned The Heaps, Mechagon
Name Level Location
50 Spawned The Heaps, Mechagon
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Emerald Hills Golf Course & Blackwater Marina, Undermine
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Emerald Hills Golf Course & Blackwater Marina, Undermine
Name Level Location
64-70 Spawned RareFluttering Cavern, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
15-35 Spawned EliteSilken Fields, Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
20-30 SpawnedBlade's Edge Mountains
Name Level Location
20-40 SpawnedDeathweb Hollow, Talador
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Kaja'Coast, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
52 Spawned Rare Elite Savagelands, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
32-35 SpawnedStormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder
Name Level Location
32-35 SpawnedStormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder
Name Level Location
32-35 SpawnedStormsea Landing, Isle of Thunder
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
51 Spawned Elite Kings' Rest (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
25-50 Spawned RareTerrace of Sorrows, Nazmir
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedThe Slough, Zuldazar
10-50 SpawnedThe Slough, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
51 Spawned Elite Kings' Rest (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
10 Spawned Azuremyst Isle
Name Level Location
20-30 SpawnedBlade's Edge Mountains
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Sulfur Wastes, Zaralek Cavern
74-80 SpawnedThe Cataract River, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Sulfur Wastes, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Undermine
Name Level Location
80 Spawned Undermine
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Mysterious Cave, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Mysterious Cave, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Azure Span
Name Level Location
60-70 SpawnedOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 SpawnedOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 SpawnedOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 SpawnedOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 SpawnedOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Desolate Hollow, The Maw
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Desolate Hollow, The Maw
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Desolate Hollow, The Maw
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Desolate Hollow, The Maw
60 Spawned The Tremaculum, The Maw
60 Spawned The Tremaculum, The Maw
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Ohn'ahran Plains; The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Elite The Nighthold (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedTanaris
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
70 Spawned Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
70 Spawned Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
70 Spawned Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Sulfur Wastes, Zaralek Cavern
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
70 Spawned Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
48-50 SpawnedPort of Zem'lan, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
1 Spawned Wailing Caverns (Dungeon)
30 Spawned Altar of Sseratus, Zul'Drak
30-35 SpawnedNeferset City, Uldum
35 Spawned Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Uldum
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Altar of Sseratus, Zul'Drak
30-35 SpawnedNeferset City, Uldum
35 Spawned Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Altar of Sseratus, Zul'Drak
32 Spawned Den of Sseratus, Gundrak (Dungeon)
35 Spawned Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
50 Spawned Uldum
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Altar of Sseratus, Zul'Drak
30-35 SpawnedNeferset City, Uldum
35 Spawned Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
50 Spawned Uldum
Name Level Location
30-35 SpawnedNeferset City, Uldum
<Stalker Mojica's Pet>
50 Spawned Dazar'alor, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
47 Spawned Elite The Abyssal Throne, Tomb of Sargeras (Raid)
50 Spawned Chamber of the Harvesters, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Chamber of the Harvesters, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedBlushwater Brook, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
35-50 Spawned RareVol'dun
Name Level Location
35-50 Spawned EliteTemple of Sethraliss (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedFeed Pits, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
<Loa of Treachery>
60 Spawned Dusky Grotto, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedFeed Pits, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedVol'dun
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedFeed Pits, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
9-31 Spawned EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
15-30 Spawned EliteZul'Farrak (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Chamber of the Paragons, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
<Terror of the Dread Wastes>
35 Spawned Elite Gao-Ran Battlefront, Townlong Steppes
50 Spawned Jagged Wastes, Deepholm
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Jagged Wastes, Deepholm
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Leyhollow, Azsuna
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite Forgotten Depths, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
50 Spawned Jagged Wastes, Deepholm
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Jagged Wastes, Deepholm
Name Level Location
10-35 SpawnedThe Jade Forest
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Winterdeep Basin, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
80 Spawned Stillstone Pond & Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
80 Spawned Stillstone Pond & Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
80 Spawned Khaz Algar Delve Instances
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
73-80 SpawnedPillar-nest Xesh, Azj-Kahet
80 Spawned Stillstone Pond & Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
80 Spawned Stillstone Pond & Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedTenir's Ascent, Hallowfall
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
80 Spawned The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Little Scales Daycare, Valdrakken, Thaldraszus
Name Level Location
60-70 SpawnedKauriq Gleamlet, The Azure Span
Name Level Location
50-60 SpawnedThe Banewood, Revendreth
Name Level Location
25-50 SpawnedShrouded Foothills, Drustvar
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
53-60 SpawnedPlaguefall (Dungeon)
56-62 SpawnedBony Spindles, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
50-60 SpawnedDredhollow, Revendreth
Name Level Location
53-60 SpawnedPlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
53-60 SpawnedPlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<Dread Crawler Queen>
50-60 Spawned RareDredhollow, Revendreth
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Broken Shore
45 Spawned Dalaran (Broken Isles)
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Moonshade Sanctum, Suramar
45 Spawned Broken Shore
45 Spawned Falanaar Tunnels, Withered Training Instance
45 Spawned Dalaran (Broken Isles)
45 Spawned Moonshade Sanctum, Suramar
45 Spawned Elite Nal'tira's Lair, The Arcway (Dungeon)
50 Spawned Rare Mangrove Shore, Nazmir
Name Level Location
45 Spawned The Creeping Grotto, Broken Shore
45 Spawned Dalaran (Broken Isles)
45 Spawned Blood Nest, Broken Shore
45 Spawned Felsurge Nest, Azsuna
Name Level Location
55-60 SpawnedDreamshrine Basin, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
45 Spawned The Creeping Grotto, Broken Shore
45 Spawned Elite Path of Illumination, Cathedral of Eternal Night (Dungeon)
45 Spawned Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
Name Level Location
30-35 SpawnedTwilight Highlands
Name Level Location
15-35 Spawned EliteKrasarang Wilds
15-35 SpawnedGilded Fan, Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedTiragarde Sound
35 Spawned The Heartland, Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
20-40 SpawnedDeathweb Hollow, Talador
Name Level Location
20-40 Spawned RareDeathweb Hollow, Talador
20-40 SpawnedDeathweb Hollow, Talador
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Mysterious Cave, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Teloth'aran, Suramar
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Teloth'aran, Suramar
Name Level Location
<The Venom Queen>
10-30 Spawned EliteShadra'Alor, The Hinterlands
Name Level Location
20-40 SpawnedDeathweb Hollow, Talador
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
<Mourning Stormrook>
70-80 SpawnedThe Rookery Landing, The Rookery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<Mourning Stormrook>
70-80 SpawnedThe Rookery Landing, The Rookery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<Mourning Stormrook>
70-80 SpawnedThe Rookery Landing, The Rookery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<Mourning Stormrook>
70-80 SpawnedThe Rookery Landing, The Rookery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<Mourning Stormrook>
70-80 SpawnedThe Rookery Landing, The Rookery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-60 (NPC Level:1-60 ) SpawnedValley of Spirits, Orgrimmar
Name Level Location
15-80 SpawnedOld Hillsbrad Foothills (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-80 SpawnedOld Hillsbrad Foothills (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedHallowfall; Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedHallowfall; Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedHallowfall; Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedHallowfall; Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedHallowfall; Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
70 Spawned Rare The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Thornborn Spirit>
70 Spawned The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned The Azure Span; Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
62 Spawned Rare Elite Chalice District, Revendreth
Name Level Location
10-45 Spawned EliteThe Demon Ward, Vault of the Wardens (Dungeon)
15-35 SpawnedKrasarang Wilds
15-35 SpawnedKrasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
20-35 SpawnedSeeker's Point, Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
20-35 SpawnedSeeker's Point, Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Autumnshade Ridge, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
15-35 SpawnedSinging Marshes, Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteTerokkar Forest
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Zovaal's Grasp, Zereth Mortis
60 Spawned Droning Precipice, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Zovaal's Grasp, Zereth Mortis
60 Spawned Droning Precipice, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Uldum
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedThe Four Stingers, Vol'dun
70-80 SpawnedHallowfall
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
53-60 SpawnedPlaguefall (Dungeon)
60 Spawned House of Eyes & Nurakkir, Maldraxxus
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedThe Four Stingers, Vol'dun
35-50 SpawnedWhistlebloom Oasis, Vol'dun
53-60 SpawnedPlaguefall (Dungeon)
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
53-60 SpawnedPlaguefall (Dungeon)
60 Spawned Bony Spindles, Maldraxxus
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedVol'dun
35-50 SpawnedWhistlebloom Oasis, Vol'dun
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedWestwind Weald, Tiragarde Sound
25-50 SpawnedDrustvar; Tiragarde Sound; Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
40 Spawned Southwind Cliffs, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
30-40 Spawned RareSpires of Arak
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedSilithus
30 Spawned Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Spawned Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Spawned The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
30 Spawned The Underbog (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Rare Drake Eye's Pond, The Azure Span
Name Level Location
10-50 SpawnedBlushwater Brook, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
50-60 SpawnedAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
15-30 SpawnedTerokkar Forest
Name Level Location
40 Spawned Ruins of Kra'nak, Tanaan Jungle
Name Level Location
10-50 Spawned RareThe Slough, Zuldazar
60 Spawned Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Spawned The Great Veldt, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60 Spawned The Great Veldt, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
20-35 SpawnedKun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedStormsong Valley
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite The Valley of Strength, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite The Valley of Strength, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedAzj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Wormlands, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedIsle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 SpawnedThe Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Earthmother's Bounty, Highmountain
Name Level Location
25-30 SpawnedThe Storm Peaks
Name Level Location
20-30 SpawnedZul'Drak
60-70 SpawnedThe Azure Span
Name Level Location
35-50 SpawnedEastern Dunes, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
10-35 SpawnedScrollkeeper's Sanctum, Temple of the Jade Serpent, The Jade Forest
35 Spawned The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
35 Spawned The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
35 Spawned The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
10-30 SpawnedDuskwood
15-30 SpawnedDire Maul (Dungeon)