You can change the spec of your pets at any Stable Master (since Patch 11.1) Default spec: Ferocity
Fish - Raw Fish - Meat - Raw Meat
Taming Requirement
Lesser Dragonkin Taming
You must learn a special skill to tame Lesser Dragonkin. For pets of this family other than cloud serpents, the skill is taught by the tome, How to Train a Dragonkin. This is awarded by Kaestrasz in Valdrakken at renown level 23 with the Valdrakken Accord. This renown is shared by your Warband and can be earned on any character.
You must learn a special skill to tame Cloud Serpents, which is different to the skill required to tame other Lesser Dragonkin. Pandaren hunters gain the skill automatically, but hunters of other races must learn it from the tome How to School Your Serpent, which may purchased from San Redscale at The Arboretum in The Jade Forest. You require Exalted standing with The Order of the Cloud Serpent to read this tome, but the learned skill is account-wide. You can even purchase and read this tome on a non-hunter character.
You must learn a special skill to tame Cloud Serpents, which is different to the skill required to tame other Lesser Dragonkin. Pandaren hunters gain the skill automatically, but hunters of other races must learn it from the tome How to School Your Serpent, which may purchased from San Redscale at The Arboretum in The Jade Forest. You require Exalted standing with The Order of the Cloud Serpent to read this tome, but the learned skill is account-wide. You can even purchase and read this tome on a non-hunter character.