Some special pets retain their original names when tamed. Often these are creatures that have unique names, or are classed as rare in the game world. This quirk adds extra flavour to these pets, and is extra special when the name includes characters or spaces that you can't normally use in pet names.
Remember, if you don't like the name it comes with, you can rename your pet with a Certificate of Ownership, which can be made by any player with an Inscription skill of 200.
See also our suggestion list for named NPCs that could retain their names after taming but currently don't.
NPC | Family | Level | Location |
"Count" Ungula | Ray | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
A-Me 02 | Mechanical | 30-60 Elite | Un'Goro Crater |
Abyss Crawler | Crab | 12-52 | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Abyssal Devourer | Serpent | 70-80 Rare | Azj-Kahet |
Acroniss | Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Adarogg | Hound | 10-30 | Ragefire Chasm (Dungeon) |
Adult Truesilver Crab | Crab | 16-61 | Northern Stranglethorn |
Aethon | Courser | 52-60 Rare | Bastion |
Ainamiss the Hive Queen | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Ak'tar | Pterrordax | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Akkolon | Aqiri | 32-37 Elite | Dread Wastes |
Ala'washte | Bird of Prey | 47 Rare Elite | Highmountain |
Alash'anir | Chimaera | 52 Rare Elite | Darkshore |
Alit | Bird of Prey | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Alitus | Bird of Prey | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Alystros the Verdant Keeper | Bird of Prey | 15-30 Elite | Dragonblight |
Amaukwa | Chimaera | 10-40 Rare | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Amthea | Shale Beast | 30-35 | Deepholm |
Anaua | Bird of Prey | 51 Rare | Uldum |
Anax | Hopper | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Ancient Jawbreaker | Crocolisk | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Anh-De the Loyal | Stone Hound | 50 Rare | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Anith | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Ankha | Spirit Beast | 32-37 Rare | Mount Hyjal |
Anq'uri the Titanic | Aqiri | 52 Rare Elite | Uldum |
Anthriss | Spider | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Antilos | Feathermane | 5-30 Rare | Azshara |
Antilus the Soarer | Feathermane | 15-30 Rare | Feralas |
Aogexon | Warp Stalker | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Aotona | Bird of Prey | 20-30 Rare | Sholazar Basin |
Aphis | Beetle | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Aqir Titanus | Aqiri | 51 Rare | Uldum |
Aradan | Spirit Beast | 70-80 | The Rookery (Dungeon) |
Arae | Carrion Bird | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Araga | Cat | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Arash-ethis | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Feralas |
Arcanus | Hound | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Arclight | Serpent | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Arcturis | Spirit Beast | 15-30 Rare | Grizzly Hills |
Argyle | Courser | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Ariella | Feathermane | 60 Elite | Bastion |
Arra'chea | Scalehide | 1-30 Rare | Mulgore |
Arru | Bear | 10-45 Rare | Highmountain |
Ashmane | Hyena | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Ashtail | Fox | 5-30 Rare | Loch Modan |
Aspatha the Broodmother | Moth | 10-30 | Borean Tundra |
Avalanche | Feathermane | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Avis | Raptor | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Axetail Basilisk Matriarch | Basilisk | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Ayame | Serpent | 49-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Ayamiss the Hunter | Wasp | 30 Boss | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Azelisk | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Azuresail the Ancient | Lizard | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Azzere the Skyblade | Wind Serpent | 10-30 Rare | Southern Barrens |
Bach'lor | Stag | 15-30 | Nagrand - Outland |
Baconlisk | Basilisk | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Bahagar | Cat | 10-45 Rare | Val'sharah |
Bajiatha | Raptor | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Ban'thalos | Spirit Beast | 32-37 Rare | Mount Hyjal |
Banescale the Packfather | Lizard | 51 Rare | Nazjatar |
Banthar | Clefthoof | 35-40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Banthar | Clefthoof | 15-30 | Nagrand - Outland |
Barbthorn Queen | Wasp | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Barkmutt | Wolf | 30-35 | Twilight Highlands |
Barnabus | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Barnacle Jim | Crab | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Bashmu | Hydra | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Basilofos, King of the Hill | Feathermane | 52-60 Rare | Bastion |
Bayne | Hound | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Beast of Jade | Stone Hound | 36 Boss Elite | Greenstone Village (Scenario) |
Beehemoth | Wasp | 52 Elite | Stormsong Valley |
Bellygrub | Boar | 7-30 | Redridge Mountains |
Bergruu | Clefthoof | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Berthora | Riverbeast | 15-40 Rare Elite | Gorgrond |
Beshol | Spider | 25-50 | Drustvar |
Betsy | Boar | 49-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Bhag'thera | Cat | 10-30 | Northern Stranglethorn |
Big Samras | Bear | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Bilefang Mother | Spider | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Biryuk | Hound | 60-70 Rare | Ohn'ahran Plains |
Bjarn | Bear | 1-30 Rare | Dun Morogh |
Bjomolf | Wolf | 10-30 | Howling Fjord |
Blackbog the Fang | Ray | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Blackshell the Impenetrable | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Blacksting | Wasp | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
Blackthorne | Wasp | 50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Blaithe | Bird of Prey | 30-35 | Mount Hyjal |
Blazefeather Peacock | Carrion Bird | 80 | Undermine |
Blazeseeker | Hound | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Bleakheart | Hound | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Blightglow | Sporebat | 30-40 Rare | Spires of Arak |
Blinkeye the Rattler | Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Bloated Krolusk | Carapid | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Blood Seeker | Bat | 30-35 | Deepholm |
Bloodbore | Serpent | 12-52 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Bloodbulge | Blood Beast | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Bloodcrest | Lizard | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Bloodgullet | Spirit Beast | 65-70 Elite | Ohn'ahran Plains |
Bloodscent the Tracker | Wolf | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Bloodtip | Spider | 36 Rare | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Bloodtooth | Turtle | 15-35 Rare Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Bloodwing Bonepicker | Carrion Bird | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Bogbelcher | Hopper | 10-50 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Boglash | Water Strider | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
Bombyx | Worm | 35 Rare Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Bonechewer | Carrion Bird | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Bonepicker | Lizard | 50 Rare | Mechagon |
Bonescreamer | Raptor | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Bornak the Gorer | Clefthoof | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Bornix the Burrower | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Boros | Wasp | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Bramblewing | Pterrordax | 10-50 Rare Elite | Zuldazar |
Braxicus | Crab | 50 Elite | Nazjatar |
Brinebeak | Bird of Prey | 25-50 | Drustvar |
Bristlemaul | Bear | 10-45 | Highmountain |
Bristlespine | Rodent | 20-35 Rare Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Broken Tooth | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Brokentoe | Clefthoof | 15-30 Elite | Nagrand - Outland |
Brood Mother Xylax | Ravager | 30-40 Elite | Spires of Arak |
Broodlord Ixkor | Ravager | 40 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Broodmother | Spider | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Broodmother Razora | Lizard | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Bruiser | Clefthoof | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Brumeran | Chimaera | 15-30 | Winterspring |
Bufo | Hopper | 38 Rare Elite | Timeless Isle |
Bulvinkel | Spirit Beast | 10-45 Rare | Stormheim |
Buru the Gorger | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Bushtail | Fox | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Buzzkill | Wasp | 55-57 | Ardenweald |
Cackle | Bird of Prey | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Canyon Icemother | Basilisk | 10-40 Rare Elite | Frostfire Ridge |
Carcinak | Crab | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Catal | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Caverndark Terror | Crab | 51-52 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Cerberon | Hound | 20-30 Elite | Sholazar Basin |
Chartusk | Boar | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Chasheen | Cat | 15-35 | Krasarang Wilds |
Chasm-Haunter | Serpent | 50 Rare | Nazjatar |
Chatter | Spider | 7-30 Rare | Redridge Mountains |
Chiaa | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Chibee | Worm | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Chillfang | Bat | 10-40 Rare | Frostfire Ridge |
Chimaeron | Hydra | 35 Boss | Blackwing Descent (Raid) |
Chitali the Eldest | Stag | 61 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Chitter | Spider | 7-30 Rare | Redridge Mountains |
Chomper | Basilisk | 30 | Gnomeregan (Dungeon) |
Chompy | Carapid | 60 Rare | Ardenweald |
Chops | Crocolisk | 10-30 Rare | Wetlands |
Chordix | Worm | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Chromaggus | Core Hound | 33 Boss | Blackwing Lair (Raid) |
Chromehound | Core Hound | 15-30 Rare | Blackrock Mountain |
Chupacabros | Raptor | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Cida | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Clack the Reaver | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Blasted Lands |
Cloudfeather Guardian | Carrion Bird | 50-60 Rare | Bastion |
Cloudtail | Fox | 52-60 Rare | Bastion |
Clutchmother Zavas | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Un'Goro Crater |
Cobalt Guardian | Stone Hound | 38 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Coldbite Matriarch | Crocolisk | 35 | Dread Wastes |
Coldstomp the Griever | Clefthoof | 10-40 Rare | Frostfire Ridge |
Coldtusk | Boar | 10-40 Rare | Frostfire Ridge |
Colossal Water Cobra | Serpent | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Corborus | Shale Beast | 37 Boss Elite | The Stonecore (Dungeon) |
Corpse Eater | Wasp | 50 Rare | Uldum |
Corpsefeeder | Carrion Bird | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
Crabtankerous | Crab | 70 Rare | The Emerald Dream |
Cracklefang | Wolf | 36 Rare | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Cragmaw the Infested | Blood Beast | 51-52 Boss Elite | The Underrot (Dungeon) |
Cranky Benj | Turtle | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Craw the Ravager | Crocolisk | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Crawshuk the Hungry | Bird of Prey | 10-45 Rare | Highmountain |
Creepthess | Spider | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Croaker | Hopper | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Croakit | Hopper | 80 Rare Elite | Hallowfall |
Crushtacean | Crab | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Crusty | Crab | 10-30 Rare | Desolace |
Crystal Fang | Spider | 22-32 Rare Elite | Blackrock Spire (Dungeon) |
Crystalback | Boar | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Crystalfang | Shale Beast | 15-30 Rare | Blackrock Mountain |
Cyn | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Daggerbeak | Feathermane | 10-45 Rare | Azsuna |
Dam'ren | Stone Hound | 35 Boss Elite | Throne of Thunder (Raid) |
Dambala | Serpent | 60 Elite | Ardenweald |
Dampfur the Musky | Wolf | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Darkhide | Scalehide | 15-35 Elite | Valley of the Four Winds |
Darkmist Broodqueen | Spider | 15-30 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkmist Widow | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darktalon | Bird of Prey | 10-40 Rare | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Darkwing | Carrion Bird | 51-60 Elite | Bastion |
Dart | Raptor | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Deadeye | Boar | 54-60 | Maldraxxus |
Deadmire | Crocolisk | 15-30 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Death Flayer | Scorpid | 1-30 Rare | Durotar |
Death Howl | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Death Ravager | Ravager | 10 | Azuremyst Isle |
Deathclasp | Scorpid | 15-30 Elite | Silithus |
Deathclaw | Bear | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle |
Deatheye | Basilisk | 15-30 Rare | Blasted Lands |
Deathmaw | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Deathskitter | Spider | 15-30 Elite | Terokkar Forest |
Deathstrike | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Deathtalon | Bird of Prey | 43 Rare Elite | Tanaan Jungle |
Deepclaw | Crab | 47 Rare Elite | Azsuna |
Deepfang | Wolf | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Deepglider | Ray | 50 Rare | Nazjatar |
Degu | Spirit Beast | 35 Elite | Valley of the Four Winds |
Deifir the Untamed | Carapid | 61 Rare | Ardenweald |
Dekorhan | Mammoth | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Destroyer Krox'tazar | Aqiri | 50-52 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Deth'tilac | Spider | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Devious Sunrunner | Courser | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Dilennaa | Worm | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Direhoof | Stag | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Direprowl the Ravager | Wolf | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Dishu | Cat | 5-30 Rare | Northern Barrens |
Doom | Stone Hound | 57-58 Elite | Revendreth |
Dreadtalon | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Elite | Dragonblight |
Dreadwing | Chimaera | 40 Boss Elite | Blackrock Foundry (Raid) |
Dunegorger Kraulok | Devilsaur | 52 Rare Elite | Vol'dun |
Duskcoat | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Duskfang | Cat | 15-30 | Swamp of Sorrows |
Duskstalker | Cat | 1-30 Rare | Teldrassil |
Duskwing | Bat | 15-30 | Eastern Plaguelands |
Dustfang | Basilisk | 12-52 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Dustflight the Cowardly | Tallstrider | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Dustwing | Moth | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Echeyakee | Cat | 5-30 | Northern Barrens |
Echidna | Hydra | 40 Rare Elite | Spires of Arak |
Echo of the Spy | Spider | 53-60 | Maldraxxus |
Egg-Tender Bloome | Carapid | 56 | Ardenweald |
Egg-Tender Erys | Carapid | 56 | Ardenweald |
Egg-Tender Leh'go | Carapid | 56 Rare | Ardenweald |
Egg-Tender Tiom | Carapid | 56 | Ardenweald |
Ekashim | Cat | 50 Rare | Uldum |
Elderspawn Nalaada | Serpent | 51 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Elegon | Spirit Beast | 40 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Emberwing | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Emerald Gander | Waterfowl | 35 Rare | Timeless Isle |
Emperor Pitfang | Serpent | 70-80 Rare | Isle of Dorn |
Enormous Bullfrog | Hopper | 11-31 Rare Elite | Razorfen Kraul (Dungeon) |
Enraged Krolusk | Carapid | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Enthralled Gorm | Carapid | 55 | Ardenweald |
Envoy of Winter | Stag | 70 Rare | The Emerald Dream |
Faeleaf Shimmerwing | Moth | 51-61 Rare Elite | Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon) |
Fallowbarb | Wasp | 70-80 | Hallowfall |
Fangor | Bat | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Fankriss the Unyielding | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Farunn | Clefthoof | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Fathomclaw | Crab | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Faultline | Clefthoof | 40 Boss Elite | Blackrock Foundry (Raid) |
Favored of Isiset | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Feasting | Wasp | 60 Rare | Zereth Mortis |
Felspine the Greater | Lizard | 25-30 | Shadowmoon Valley - Outland |
Fene-mal | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Feng | Wolf | 10-30 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Fenri | Hound | 10-45 Rare | Helheim |
Fenryr | Wolf | 10-45 Elite | Halls of Valor (Dungeon) |
Feras | Cat | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Fetid Devourer | Hydra | 52 Boss Elite | Uldir (Raid) |
Feverbite | Spider | 15-35 Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Fez | Raptor | 5-30 | Northern Barrens |
Ffexk the Dunestalker | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Fidonis | Hound | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Fiend | Hound | 10-30 | Howling Fjord |
Finn's Gambit | Boar | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
First Mate Swainbeak | Bird of Prey | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Fleetfoot | Tallstrider | 5-30 | Darkshore |
Flinthide | Clefthoof | 35-40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Florawing Hive Queen | Wasp | 36 | Zul'Gurub (Dungeon) |
Fortified Dessicator | Carapid | 60 Elite | Ardenweald |
Fowlmouth | Bird of Prey | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Foxhollow Skyterror | Bird of Prey | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Freckles | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Frekki | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Friender | Mechanical | 40-45 | Gnomeregan (Dungeon) |
Gahz'ralka | Hydra | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Gahz'rilla | Hydra | 16-31 Elite | Zul'Farrak (Dungeon) |
Gal'dorak | Clefthoof | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Galak Packhound | Hyena | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Gammerita | Turtle | 10-30 | The Hinterlands |
Gangamesh | Hydra | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Gara | Spirit Beast | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Gargantapid | Scorpid | 15-30 | Tanaris |
Garnetscale | Turtle | 50 Rare | Nazjatar |
Garudeon | Bird of Prey | 61 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Gaz'orda | Hydra | 35-40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Gennadian | Hydra | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Gesharahan | Hydra | 5-30 Rare | Northern Barrens |
Gezan | Warp Stalker | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Gezz'ran | Warp Stalker | 20-40 | Talador |
Gezzarak the Huntress | Warp Stalker | 15-30 Elite | Terokkar Forest |
Ghamoo-Ra | Turtle | 12-32 Elite | Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon) |
Ghaz'an | Hydra | 12-32 Elite | The Underbog (Dungeon) |
Ghostcrawler | Spirit Beast | 38 Rare | Abyssal Depths |
Giantbane | Clefthoof | 10-40 Rare | Frostfire Ridge |
Gib the Banana-Hoarder | Monkey | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Giggler | Hyena | 10-30 Rare | Desolace |
Githyiss the Vile | Spider | 1-30 | Teldrassil |
Gizrul the Slavener | Wolf | 22-32 Boss Elite | Blackrock Spire (Dungeon) |
Glimmer | Water Strider | 10-35 Rare Elite | The Jade Forest |
Glimmerspine | Crab | 51 Rare | Darkshore |
Glimmerwing | Moth | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Glint | Shale Beast | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Glonn | Hound | 20-30 Elite | Sholazar Basin |
Gloomfang | Wolf | 45 | Suramar |
Gnarl | Hyena | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Gnarlhoof the Rabid | Stag | 35-40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Gnath | Worm | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
Gnollfeaster | Spider | 7-60 Rare | Redridge Mountains |
Goda | Turtle | 34-37 Rare Elite | Isle of Thunder |
Gol'kun the Vicious | Wolf | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Golanar | Hydra | 52 Rare Elite | Vol'dun |
Goldenback | Gorilla | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Goldie | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Gomegaz | Core Hound | 15-30 | Blasted Lands |
Gon | Spirit Beast | 1-60 | Orgrimmar |
Gondria | Spirit Beast | 22-32 Rare | Zul'Drak |
Goodie | Tallstrider | 7-30 | Ashenvale |
Gorebeak | Carrion Bird | 10-45 Rare Elite | Val'sharah |
Gorebite | Crocolisk | 30-35 Elite | Uldum |
Goreclaw the Ravenous | Raptor | 15-30 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Gorefang | Wolf | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
Gorehorn | Stag | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Goremaw | Wolf | 15-30 Elite | Grizzly Hills |
Gorespike | Basilisk | 12-52 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Goretooth | Crocolisk | 15-30 Rare | Nagrand - Outland |
Gorgebeak | Waterfowl | 51-60 Elite | Bastion |
Gorged Boar | Boar | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Gorgonite | Basilisk | 30-35 | Deepholm |
Gorishi Fledgling Colossus | Aqiri | 15-30 Elite | Un'Goro Crater |
Gorkek | Hopper | 60 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Gorm Behemoth | Carapid | 61 Rare Elite | Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon) |
Gorm Hulk | Carapid | 56-60 | Ardenweald |
Gormbore | Carapid | 60-61 Rare | Ardenweald |
Gosh-Haldir | Crocolisk | 5-30 Rare | Loch Modan |
Great Turtle Furyshell | Turtle | 35 Rare | Timeless Isle |
Great-Tusk | Mammoth | 42 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Greatfeather | Bird of Prey | 35-40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Grenich | Stone Hound | 50-60 | Revendreth |
Gretheer | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Grimewick | Crab | 80 Rare | Undermine |
Grimlurk | Carapid | 70-80 | The Ringing Deeps |
Grimrot | Bear | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Grimrot | Bear | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Gristlebeak | Chimaera | 54-60 Elite | Maldraxxus |
Grizzled Ben | Bear | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Grizzlemaw | Wolf | 35-40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Grizzlesnout | Wolf | 15-30 | Grizzly Hills |
Grond | Stone Hound | 50-60 | Revendreth |
Grong | Gorilla | 50 Boss Elite | Battle of Dazar'alor (Raid) |
Grong the Revenant | Gorilla | 50 Boss Elite | Battle of Dazar'alor (Raid) |
Grovepaw | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Grubthor | Worm | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Gruesh | Devilsaur | 25-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Gruff | Scalehide | 15-30 Rare | Un'Goro Crater |
Grunter | Boar | 15-30 Rare | Blasted Lands |
Guardian of Sacrifice | Stone Hound | 35 Elite | Crypt of Forgotten Kings (Scenario) |
Guardian of the Deep | Crab | 12-32 Elite | Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon) |
Guardian of the Elders | Stone Hound | 1-20 | The Wandering Isle |
Guarm | Hound | 10-45 Boss Elite | Helheim |
Guarm | Hound | 45 Boss Elite | Trial of Valor (Raid) |
Gulliver | Bird of Prey | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Gumi | Spirit Beast | 35 Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Gutgut | Carrion Bird | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Gutripper | Bird of Prey | 15-30 Elite | Nagrand - Outland |
Haarka the Ravenous | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Hadeon the Stonebreaker | Beetle | 61 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Halycon | Wolf | 22-32 Boss Elite | Blackrock Spire (Dungeon) |
Hamhide | Boar | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Hammertooth | Riverbeast | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Haofeng | Lesser Dragonkin | 50 Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Harakiss the Infestor | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Hardknuckle Matriarch | Gorilla | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | The Storm Peaks |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | The Storm Peaks |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | The Storm Peaks |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | The Storm Peaks |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | The Storm Peaks |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | The Storm Peaks |
Hati | Spirit Beast | 50 | Ulduar |
Hawkbane | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Terokkar Forest |
Hayoc | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Hei Feng | Lesser Dragonkin | 35 Elite | Townlong Steppes |
Hell-Hoot | Bird of Prey | 15-30 | Winterspring |
Hellgazer | Basilisk | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Helmix | Worm | 60 Rare | Zereth Mortis |
Helmix | Worm | 60 Rare | Zereth Mortis |
Helmix | Worm | 60 Rare | Zereth Mortis |
Hen-Mother Hami | Carrion Bird | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Henri Snufftail | Rodent | 70 Rare | The Emerald Dream |
Heress | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Heronis | Bird of Prey | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Hexapos | Water Strider | 35 Rare Elite | Dread Wastes |
Hibernus the Sleeper | Bear | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Hilaani | Riverbeast | 20-40 Elite | Talador |
Hissperak | Basilisk | 10-30 Rare | Desolace |
Hive Controller | Aqiri | 15-30 | Thousand Needles |
Hive Mother | Wasp | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Hive Queen Skrikka | Ravager | 15-40 Rare | Gorgrond |
Hivemother Kraxi | Wasp | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Hogzilla | Boar | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Honey-Coated Slitherer | Serpent | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Hopecrusher | Stone Hound | 62 Rare Elite | Revendreth |
Horrorjaw | Crocolisk | 10-30 | Wetlands |
Hozzer | Bear | 10-30 Elite | Howling Fjord |
Hrodvetni | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Hugeclaw | Crab | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Humar The Pridelord | Cat | 5-30 Rare | Northern Barrens |
Hungry Savagelands Juvenile | Devilsaur | 50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Huolon | Lesser Dragonkin | 35 Rare Elite | Timeless Isle |
Hutia | Spirit Beast | 35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Hyakiss the Lurker | Spider | 33 Rare Elite | Karazhan (Raid) |
Hyjal Stagbeak | Feathermane | 70 | Amirdrassil (Dragon Isles Zone) |
Hypnocroak | Hopper | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Iceclaw | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Icehorn | Clefthoof | 10-30 Rare | Borean Tundra |
Imperial Python | Serpent | 35 Rare Elite | Timeless Isle |
Infected Direhorn | Direhorn | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Insha'tar | Warp Stalker | 10-40 Rare | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Invasive Decayfly | Wasp | 61 Rare Elite | Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon) |
Ionis | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Irewing | Bird of Prey | 10-45 | Highmountain |
Iridescent Glimmershell | Crab | 50 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Iriss the Widow | Spider | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Ironback | Turtle | 10-30 Rare | The Hinterlands |
Ironcrusher | Mammoth | 45 Boss Elite | Blackrock Foundry (Raid) |
Ironeye the Invincible | Basilisk | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Ironfur Steelhorn | Oxen | 35 Rare | Timeless Isle |
Ironjaw | Wolf | 15-30 | Terokkar Forest |
Ironjaw Behemoth | Basilisk | 10-30 | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Ironweb | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Izik the Dissolver | Carapid | 60 Rare | Ardenweald |
Jabberjaw | Worm | 41 Rare Elite | Frostfire Ridge |
Jade Guardian | Stone Hound | 38 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Jade Watcher | Stone Hound | 52 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Jadefang | Shale Beast | 30-35 Rare | Deepholm |
Jarkadiax | Pterrordax | 25-50 | Nazmir |
Jasper Guardian | Stone Hound | 38 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Jawbreaker | Mechanical | 50 Rare | Mechagon |
Jaxx the Rabid | Hyena | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Jetwing | Feathermane | 10-60 | The Hinterlands |
Ji-Kun | Carrion Bird | 38 Boss Elite | Throne of Thunder (Raid) |
Jiasska the Sporegorger | Hydra | 30-40 Rare | Spires of Arak |
Jojo the Palestrider | Courser | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Juba the Scarred | Direhorn | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Jumbo Sandsnapper | Crab | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Jungleweb Hunter | Spider | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Justice | Stone Hound | 57-58 Elite | Revendreth |
K.U.-J.0. | Mechanical | 52 Boss Elite | Operation: Mechagon (Dungeon) |
Kal'draxa | Pterrordax | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Kala | Feathermane | 52-60 Elite | Bastion |
Kalan'ii | Crab | 36 Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Kalixx | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Kandak | Lizard | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Karanosh | Aqiri | 35 Elite | Dread Wastes |
Karapax | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Karkin | Crab | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Karoma | Spirit Beast | 30-35 Rare | Twilight Highlands |
Kash | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Kaxx | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Kelbnar | Hound | 35 Elite | Mount Hyjal |
Keravnos | Hydra | 40 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Khamen | Crocolisk | 30-35 Elite | Uldum |
Khargax the Devourer | Hydra | 15-40 Elite | Gorgrond |
Khep-Re | Beetle | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Kher Shan | Cat | 10-35 | The Jade Forest |
Kiboku | Riverbeast | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Kickers | Gruffhorn | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Kil'mazor | Chimaera | 52-61 Elite | Maldraxxus |
Kil'Tawan | Direhorn | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Kil'uun | Carrion Bird | 20-40 Elite | Talador |
Kili'ua | Crab | 15-30 | Dragonblight |
Killclaw the Terrible | Bear | 7-10 | Exile's Reach |
Killmaw | Wolf | 10-40 Rare | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
King Bangalash | Cat | 10-30 | Northern Stranglethorn |
King Clickyclack | Crab | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
King Da'ka | Gorilla | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
King Dred | Devilsaur | 17-32 Elite | Drak'Tharon Keep (Dungeon) |
King K'tal | Devilsaur | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
King Kooba | Gorilla | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
King Krush | Devilsaur | 20-30 Rare | Sholazar Basin |
King Mosh | Devilsaur | 30-60 Rare | Un'Goro Crater |
King Mukla | Gorilla | 10-30 | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
King Reaperclaw | Raptor | 5-30 | Northern Barrens |
King Splash | Hopper | 70-80 Rare | The Ringing Deeps |
Kirix | Spider | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Kliaa | Wasp | 10-40 Elite | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Klikixx | Spider | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Konda | Gorilla | 10-30 | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Korthos | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Koukou | Scalehide | 10-35 | The Jade Forest |
Kovok | Aqiri | 37 Elite | Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid) |
Kracor | Waterfowl | 15-35 | Valley of the Four Winds |
Kree | Bat | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
Krellack | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Kresh | Turtle | 8-30 Elite | Wailing Caverns (Dungeon) |
Krethis the Shadowspinner | Spider | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
Kri'chon | Scorpid | 36 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Krkk'kx | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Krosh | Turtle | 15-35 | Valley of the Four Winds |
Kroshik | Devilsaur | 32-35 Elite | Isle of Thunder |
Krubbs | Crab | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Kulett the Ornery | Turtle | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Kung Din | Cat | 10-35 | The Jade Forest |
Kurinnaxx | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Kurmokk | Gorilla | 10-30 Rare | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Kuu'rat | Mammoth | 40 Elite | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Kveldulfnir | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced) |
Kypa'rak | Shale Beast | 30-35 Elite | Dread Wastes |
Lady Sathrah | Spider | 1-30 | Teldrassil |
Lalathin | Feathermane | 45-60 | Suramar |
Lamepaw the Whimperer | Wolf | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Lapress | Aqiri | 30 Rare Elite | Silithus |
Lar'korwi | Raptor | 15-30 | Un'Goro Crater |
Leech Widow | Spider | 10-30 Rare | Wetlands |
Lei-zhi | Stone Hound | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Leonid | Feathermane | 52 | Bastion |
Lernaea | Hydra | 40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Leygazer | Basilisk | 10-45 | Val'sharah |
Leytusk | Boar | 10-45 Elite | Azsuna |
Lightning Paw | Spirit Beast | 10-60 Rare | Duskwood |
Likk the Hunter | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Lil' Red | Hound | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Little Bjorn | Bear | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Lo'kuno | Riverbeast | 25-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Lo'Shall | Boar | 1-30 | Durotar |
Lopex | Fox | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Loque'nahak | Spirit Beast | 20-30 Rare | Sholazar Basin |
Lord Aj'qirai | Aqiri | 52 Rare Elite | Uldum |
Lord Condar | Carrion Bird | 5-30 Rare | Loch Modan |
Lord Kri | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Losaj | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Lost Gilnean Wardog | Hound | 5-30 Rare | Silverpine Forest |
Lost Offspring of Gahz'ranka | Hydra | 36 Elite | Zul'Gurub (Dungeon) |
Loup | Wolf | 35-40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Lucille | Spider | 50 Rare | Nazmir |
Lucktail | Fox | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Luk'hok | Mammoth | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Lupe | Wolf | 35-40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Lupello | Wolf | 15-35 | Valley of the Four Winds |
Lupos | Wolf | 10-30 Rare | Duskwood |
Lytfang the Lost | Cat | 80 Rare | Hallowfall |
Maa'run | Stag | 10-40 Elite | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Mac the Bear | Bear | 45 Elite | Azsuna |
Maddened Siegebomber | Beetle | 80 Rare | Azj-Kahet |
Madexx | Scorpid | 30-35 Rare | Uldum |
Madexx | Scorpid | 30-35 Rare | Uldum |
Madexx | Scorpid | 30-35 Rare | Uldum |
Madexx | Scorpid | 30-35 Rare | Uldum |
Madexx | Scorpid | 30-35 Rare | Uldum |
Magmadar | Core Hound | 33 Boss Elite | Molten Core (Raid) |
Magmagan | Core Hound | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Magoo | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Magria | Spirit Beast | 32-37 Rare | Mount Hyjal |
Magwia | Riverbeast | 40 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Mahamba | Crocolisk | 10-30 Rare | Northern Stranglethorn |
Maia the White | Wolf | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Maimclaw | Wolf | 40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Maison the Portable | Crab | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Makatau | Pterrordax | 25-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Malfunctioning Beastbot | Mechanical | 52 Rare Elite | Mechagon |
Man-Eater | Hopper | 10-50 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Managazer | Basilisk | 45 | Suramar |
Manas | Dragonhawk | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Manax | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Mange | Bear | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Mangeclaw | Bear | 1-30 | Dun Morogh |
Mar'tura | Turtle | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Mara | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Margol the Rager | Scalehide | 15-30 | Searing Gorge |
Markaru | Hydra | 25-30 | Netherstorm |
Marrowjaw | Bird of Prey | 52-60 | Maldraxxus |
Marrowmaw | Chimaera | 52-60 | Bastion |
Marticar | Water Strider | 10-30 Rare | Zangarmarsh |
Matriarch Keevah | Raptor | 70 Rare | The Emerald Dream |
Mavarnir | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced) |
Mazzranache | Tallstrider | 1-30 Rare | Mulgore |
Mecharantula | Mechanical | 51 Rare | Mechagon |
Merektha | Serpent | 52 Boss Elite | Temple of Sethraliss (Dungeon) |
Merianae | Lizard | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Miasmiss | Spider | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Milau | Lesser Dragonkin | 35 Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Milden Mud Snout | Riverbeast | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Milo | Hound | 25-50 | Nazmir |
Mist Howler | Wolf | 7-30 Rare | Ashenvale |
Model GU-4RD-3R | Mechanical | 45 Elite | Dustwallow Marsh |
Mogamago | Riverbeast | 40 Rare | Gorgrond |
Mongress | Bear | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Monstrous Spineclaw | Crab | 36 Rare Elite | Timeless Isle |
Morashu | Stag | 10-45 Elite | Highmountain |
Mossfang Matriarch | Spider | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Moth of Wrath | Moth | 40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Mothallus | Moth | 15-35 Elite | Valley of the Four Winds |
Mother Araneae | Spider | 15-40 Rare Elite | Gorgrond |
Mother Fang | Spider | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Mother Phestis | Spider | 62 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Mragesh | Hydra | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
Mu'gra | Riverbeast | 40 Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Murderbeak | Bird of Prey | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Mutilax | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Myonix | Spirit Beast | 45 Rare | Suramar |
N'chala the Egg Thief | Raptor | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
N.U.T.Z. | Mechanical | 5-30 | Azshara |
Nahassa | Crocolisk | 15-35 | Krasarang Wilds |
Nakk the Thunderer | Clefthoof | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Nal'taszar | Lesser Dragonkin | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Nalak | Lesser Dragonkin | 37 Boss Elite | Isle of Thunder |
Nalak | Lesser Dragonkin | 37 Boss Elite | The Fall of Shan Bu (Isle of Thunder) (Scenario) |
Naphthal'ar | Moth | 15-30 | Terokkar Forest |
Naraxis | Spider | 10-30 Rare | Duskwood |
Naroua | Cat | 47 Rare Elite | Krokuun |
Needle | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Needlebeak | Waterfowl | 15-35 | Krasarang Wilds |
Needlefang | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Needlespine | Crab | 50 Rare | Nazjatar |
Nemaeus | Feathermane | 52-60 Rare | Bastion |
Nergazurai | Tallstrider | 70 Elite | Ohn'ahran Plains |
Nesting Valeshrieker | Carrion Bird | 55 | Ardenweald |
Nestmother Acada | Carrion Bird | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Netherbeak | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Azsuna |
Nevermore | Carrion Bird | 25-50 | Drustvar |
Night Mare | Courser | 62 Rare Elite | Ardenweald |
Nighthowl | Wolf | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Nightmother | Spider | 45 Elite | The Emerald Nightmare (Raid) |
Nitro | Hyena | 80 Rare | Undermine |
Nix | Wasp | 5-30 Rare | Loch Modan |
No'losh | Water Strider | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Nok-Karosh | Wolf | 42 Elite | Frostfire Ridge |
Nol'ixwan | Direhorn | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Norissis | Chimaera | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Norvakess | Shale Beast | 35 Elite | Townlong Steppes |
Nuramoc | Chimaera | 25-30 Rare | Netherstorm |
Nyaj | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Nychus | Raptor | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Nyemi | Scalehide | 60 Rare Elite | Korthia |
Ohgan | Raptor | 36 Elite | Zul'Gurub (Dungeon) |
Ol' Beaky | Bird of Prey | 6-29 | The Deadmines (Dungeon) |
Ol' Bubbly | Crab | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Ol' Muddle | Bear | 10-30 Rare | The Hinterlands |
Ol' Sooty | Bear | 5-30 | Loch Modan |
Old Ardeite | Carrion Bird | 61 Rare | Ardenweald |
Old Cliff Jumper | Wolf | 10-30 Rare | The Hinterlands |
Old Frostclaw | Bear | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Old Grizzlegut | Bear | 15-30 Rare | Feralas |
Old One-Fang | Wolf | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Olm the Wise | Bird of Prey | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Oloh | Wolf | 25-30 Elite | The Storm Peaks |
OOX-Fleetfoot/MG | Mechanical | 50 | Mechagon |
Oozeworm | Worm | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Optimo | Mechanical | 5-30 Rare | Loch Modan |
Orchard Needler | Wasp | 35 | The Jade Forest |
Orixal | Carapid | 60 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Orlix the Swamplord | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Ornat | Ray | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Osca the Bloodied | Bear | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Overstuffed Saurolisk | Lizard | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
P4-N73R4 | Mechanical | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Pack Leader Asenya | Wolf | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Pahboo-Ra | Turtle | 11-31 | Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon) |
Paraliss | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Parasitus | Worm | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Pashya | Spirit Beast | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Patrannache | Waterfowl | 15-35 Rare Elite | Valley of the Four Winds |
Pengsong | Oxen | 35 Elite | Dread Wastes |
Pesticide | Beetle | 53-60 Rare | Maldraxxus |
Phalanax | Beetle | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Pinchshank | Crab | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Pinku'shon | Crab | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Pinky | Devilsaur | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Pit Beast | Pterrordax | 37-42 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Pitch | Cat | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Plague | Hound | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Plaguefeather | Carrion Bird | 52 Rare Elite | Arathi Highlands |
Plaguehart | Stag | 80 Rare | Isle of Dorn |
Plaguemaw | Bird of Prey | 45 Rare Elite | Maw of Souls (Dungeon) |
Pogeyan | Cat | 10-30 Rare | Northern Stranglethorn |
Porfus the Gem Gorger | Basilisk | 25-30 | Netherstorm |
Porkchop | Boar | 35-40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Portent | Stone Hound | 35 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Precious | Hound | 30 Elite | Icecrown Citadel (Raid) |
Preston | Courser | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Pride of Beledar | Stag | 80 Rare | Hallowfall |
Pridelord Meowl | Feathermane | 10-45 Rare | Azsuna |
Pridewing Patriarch | Feathermane | 10-60 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Prime Thumpknuckle | Gorilla | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Prince Lakma | Chimaera | 15-30 Rare | Feralas; Silithus |
Princess | Boar | 1-30 | Elwynn Forest |
Princess Huhuran | Wasp | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Princess Yauj | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Qem | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Qho | Beetle | 50 Rare | Uldum |
Qirot | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Feralas |
Qroshekx | Aqiri | 45 Rare Elite | Silithus |
Qu'rik | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Quall | Bird of Prey | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Queen Rickiticka | Spider | 70-80 | The Ringing Deeps |
Queen Silith | Spider | 10-30 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Queen Tzxi'kik | Wasp | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Queenfeather | Raptor | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Quet'zal | Stone Hound | 35 Boss Elite | Throne of Thunder (Raid) |
Quetzl | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Quillrat Matriarch | Rodent | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Quirix | Beetle | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
R'krox the Runt | Aqiri | 50 Rare | Uldum |
Ra'kahn | Cat | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Rageface | Hound | 35 Elite | Firelands (Raid) |
Raigonn | Aqiri | 36 Boss Elite | Gate of the Setting Sun (Dungeon) |
Rak'Shiri | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Rakira | Cat | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Rakkiri | Bat | 10-40 | Frostfire Ridge |
Ranja | Bear | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Rashar | Cat | 10-45 Elite | Highmountain |
Rasthe | Wind Serpent | 42 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Rattlebore | Worm | 15-30 | Dragonblight |
Rauren | Feathermane | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Ravage | Hyena | 15-30 Rare | Blasted Lands |
Ravasaur Matriarch | Raptor | 15-30 Rare | Un'Goro Crater |
Ravenomous | Wasp | 60 Rare | Maldraxxus |
Ravenous Etherwyrm | Wind Serpent | 50-60 | Bastion |
Ravenous Mangal Crocolisk | Crocolisk | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Razorclaw Alpha | Wolf | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Razormaw Matriarch | Raptor | 10-30 Rare | Wetlands |
Reassigned Warbeast | Clefthoof | 40 Elite | Tanaan Jungle |
Reban | Raptor | 51 Elite | Kings' Rest (Dungeon) |
Reekscale | Lizard | 80 Elite | Hallowfall |
Rei Lun | Lesser Dragonkin | 52 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Rekk'tilac | Spider | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Rema | Wolf | 20-30 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Rendrak | Bat | 41 | Tanaan Jungle |
Ressan the Needler | Bat | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Rex Ashil | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Rexxus | Hound | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Rimepelt | Bear | 15-30 | Winterspring |
Riplash | Raptor | 15-40 | Gorgrond |
Riplimb | Hound | 35 Elite | Firelands (Raid) |
Ripp | Wolf | 10-30 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Ripscale | Crocolisk | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Ripshread | Wolf | 12-52 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Riptar | Raptor | 15-40 Rare Elite | Gorgrond |
Ripwing | Carrion Bird | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Ristar, the Rabid | Raptor | 70 Rare | The Emerald Dream |
Ro'shak | Stone Hound | 35 Boss Elite | Throne of Thunder (Raid) |
Ro'shen | Cat | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Roardan the Sky Terror | Chimaera | 15-40 Elite | Gorgrond |
Rockbreaker | Stone Hound | 61 | Revendreth |
Rockfang | Wolf | 10-30 | Borean Tundra |
Rockhide the Immovable | Basilisk | 25-35 Rare Elite | Townlong Steppes |
Rockhoof | Riverbeast | 10-40 Rare | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Rokad the Ravager | Hound | 33 Rare Elite | Karazhan (Raid) |
Ronak | Chimaera | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Rose | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Rotbeak | Bird of Prey | 10-45 | Val'sharah |
Rotgrip | Crocolisk | 12-32 Elite | Maraudon (Dungeon) |
Roth-Salam | Beetle | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Rotmaw | Worm | 52 Rare Elite | The Underrot (Dungeon) |
Rottail | Lizard | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Rrakk | Bat | 15-30 Rare Elite | Thousand Needles |
Rukhran | Bird of Prey | 32-42 Elite | Skyreach (Dungeon) |
Rusan | Stone Hound | 50 | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Rush | Mechanical | 40-45 Elite | Azsuna |
Rustfur Matriarch | Wolf | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Ruukti | Cat | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Rygna | Spider | 1-10 | Gilneas |
Sabertron | Mechanical | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Sabertron | Mechanical | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Sabertron | Mechanical | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Sabertron | Mechanical | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Sabertron | Mechanical | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Sabertusk Empress | Lizard | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Sabuul | Cat | 47 Rare Elite | Mac'Aree |
Salty | Bird of Prey | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Sambas | Cat | 30-35 Rare | Twilight Highlands |
Sandclaw Stoneshell | Crab | 50 Rare | Nazjatar |
Sandfang | Serpent | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Sanguifang | Hound | 50 Rare | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Sarinexx | Aqiri | 15-30 Elite | Tanaris |
Sarkoth | Scorpid | 1-30 | Durotar |
Sarltooth | Raptor | 30 Rare | Wetlands |
Satiated Sawtooth | Chimaera | 52-60 | Maldraxxus |
Saurix | Raptor | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Savage | Cat | 10-35 Rare Elite | The Jade Forest |
Scale Belly | Basilisk | 10-30 Rare | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Scale Matriarch Gratinax | Hydra | 51 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Scale Matriarch Vynara | Hydra | 51 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Scale Matriarch Zodia | Hydra | 51 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Scalebeard | Turtle | 5-30 Rare | Azshara |
Scaleclaw Broodmother | Lizard | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Scarpaw | Wolf | 12-52 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Scavenging Hullripper | Crab | 60-70 Elite | The Waking Shores |
Scintillex | Shale Beast | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Scorpitar | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Scorpox | Scorpid | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Scorpoxx | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Scout | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Scrapbeak | Waterfowl | 80 Rare | Undermine |
Scrapclaw | Crab | 50 Rare | Mechagon |
Screamslash | Raptor | 1-30 | Durotar |
Scrounger Patriarch | Raptor | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Scruff | Boar | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Seawing | Tallstrider | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Sekhan | Cat | 10-45 Rare | Highmountain |
Senbu the Pridefather | Cat | 50 Rare | Uldum |
Serkett | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Sevriss | Serpent | 35-50 Elite | Vol'dun |
Sewer Beast | Crocolisk | 1-60 Rare | Stormwind City |
Sewer Beastling | Warp Stalker | 50 Rare | Vision of Stormwind (Scenario) |
Shadeback Thornmother | Ravager | 30-40 | Spires of Arak |
Shadikith the Glider | Bat | 33 Rare Elite | Karazhan (Raid) |
Shadow of Dambala | Serpent | 60 | Ardenweald |
Shadowclaw | Cat | 5-30 Rare | Darkshore |
Shadowclaw | Cat | 51 | Darkshore |
Shadowquill | Bird of Prey | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Shadowstalker | Spider | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Shadowthrash | Warp Stalker | 40 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Shadra | Spider | 10-30 Elite | The Hinterlands |
Shagor | Wolf | 35-40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Shalebiter | Shale Beast | 30-50 | The MOTHERLODE!! (Dungeon) |
Shanda the Spinner | Spider | 5-30 Rare | Loch Modan |
Shango | Cat | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Sharptalon | Feathermane | 7-30 | Ashenvale |
Shassera | Serpent | 50 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Sher'khaan | Cat | 20-40 | Talador |
Shimmerscale | Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Shiverscale the Toxic | Serpent | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Shiz'narasz the Consumer | Worm | 52 Rare Elite | Nazjatar |
Shroudseeker | Hound | 10-45 Rare Elite | Maw of Souls (Dungeon) |
Shy-Rotam | Cat | 15-30 | Winterspring |
Sian-Rotam | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
Sigilback | Turtle | 52-60 Rare | Bastion |
Silithid Harvester | Beetle | 10-30 Rare | Southern Barrens |
Siltstalker the Packmother | Lizard | 51 Rare | Nazjatar |
Sin'Dall | Cat | 10-30 | Northern Stranglethorn |
Sinister Leyrunner | Courser | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Sister Chelicerae | Spider | 62 Rare Elite | Maldraxxus |
Skarf | Hyena | 30-35 | Uldum |
Skarr | Cat | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Skikx'traz | Wasp | 50 | Uldum |
Skitterflame | Spider | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Skittering Broodmother | Rodent | 62 Rare | The Maw |
Skitterweb Matriarch | Spider | 5-30 | Silverpine Forest |
Skoll | Spirit Beast | 30 Rare | The Storm Peaks |
Skorpyron | Scorpid | 45 Boss Elite | The Nighthold (Raid) |
Skullripper | Raptor | 52 Rare Elite | Arathi Highlands |
Skycrack | Lesser Dragonkin | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Skyfeather Matriarch | Feathermane | 60-70 Elite | Thaldraszus |
Skyshadow | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Skystormer | Feathermane | 15-60 Rare | Feralas |
Slaverjaw | Hyena | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Slavermaw | Devilsaur | 15-30 Rare Elite | Searing Gorge |
Slogtusk the Corpse-Eater | Boar | 41 Rare Elite | Frostfire Ridge |
Slumber | Bear | 10-45 | Highmountain |
Slurpo, the Incredible Snail | Carapid | 62-72 Rare Elite | The Waking Shores |
Smolderos the Carbonizer | Core Hound | 30-35 Elite | Mount Hyjal |
Snapclaw | Crab | 35 Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Snark | Hyena | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Snarl | Hyena | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Snarler | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Feralas |
Snarltooth | Hyena | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Snips | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Searing Gorge |
Snoot the Rooter | Boar | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Snort | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Snort the Heckler | Hyena | 10-30 Rare | Southern Barrens |
Snowblind | Feathermane | 30-60 | Winterspring |
Snuffles | Hound | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Solix | Spider | 37-62 Rare | Molten Front |
Somber Dawn | Courser | 12-47 Rare Elite | Broken Shore |
Soriid the Devourer | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Tanaris |
Sorranos | Rodent | 60 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Sorrow Wing | Feathermane | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Soul Fragment | Wind Serpent | 40 | Tanaan Jungle |
Soul Hunter | Hound | 10-50 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Soundless | Ray | 51 Rare | Nazjatar |
Sourtooth | Lizard | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Sparkweaver Ohm | Mechanical | 50 | Mechagon |
Sparkwing | Wind Serpent | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Spinecrawl | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Spinescale Matriarch | Basilisk | 30-35 | Mount Hyjal |
Spinesever | Basilisk | 10-45 Elite | Highmountain |
Spineslicer | Ravager | 30-40 Elite | Spires of Arak |
Spinethrash | Lizard | 50 | Zuldazar |
Spirit of Atha | Hydra | 30 | Sholazar Basin |
Spirocula | Worm | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Spitefeather | Bird of Prey | 10-45 Elite | Stormheim |
Spiteflayer | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Blasted Lands |
Spitz | Hound | 25-50 | Nazmir |
Sporeggon | Sporebat | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Sporewing | Sporebat | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
Spot | Wolf | 15-30 | Dustwallow Marsh |
SQUAAAWK! | Carrion Bird | 45-50 | Arathi Highlands |
Sri'skulk | Spider | 1-30 Rare | Tirisfal Glades |
Ssinkrix | Aqiri | 45 Rare Elite | Silithus |
Starbuck | Stag | 10-45 Rare | Stormheim |
Steelfeather | Feathermane | 10-30 | Howling Fjord |
Steelplated Hardshell | Crab | 50 | Mechagon |
Steelsnout | Boar | 40 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Steeltusk | Mammoth | 40 Rare | Talador |
Stinglasher | Wasp | 15-30 | Feralas |
Stinky | Hound | 30 Elite | Icecrown Citadel (Raid) |
Stompalupagus | Clefthoof | 15-40 Elite | Gorgrond |
Stompy | Gruffhorn | 20-35 Rare Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Stonefang | Basilisk | 10-45 Elite | Stormheim |
Stonegazer | Basilisk | 15-30 | Terokkar Forest |
Stonescale | Raptor | 30-40 | Spires of Arak |
Stonespite | Basilisk | 30-40 Rare | Spires of Arak |
Stoneward Trampler | Stone Hound | 61 Rare Elite | Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon) |
Stormfeather | Feathermane | 47 Rare Elite | Azsuna |
Stormhowl | Wolf | 52 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Strength of Beledar | Bear | 80 Rare | Hallowfall |
Strider Clutchmother | Tallstrider | 5-30 Rare | Darkshore |
Strix the Barbed | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Succula | Spider | 15-35 | Valley of the Four Winds |
Sunderthorn | Wasp | 30-40 Rare | Spires of Arak |
Sunwing | Dragonhawk | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Svarnos | Core Hound | 30-35 | Tol Barad |
Swee | Boar | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |
Swiftmane | Courser | 7-32 Rare | Northern Barrens |
Sylissa | Serpent | 40 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Sythian the Swift | Stag | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
T'zala | Raptor | 51 Elite | Kings' Rest (Dungeon) |
Tabbs | Cat | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Tahkwitz | Bird of Prey | 60 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Tahonta | Oxen | 53-60 Rare | Maldraxxus |
Taja the Tidehowler | Hound | 50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Takk the Leaper | Raptor | 5-30 Rare | Northern Barrens |
Taladorantula | Spider | 20-40 Rare | Talador |
Tall Buck | Stag | 35-40 | Nagrand - Draenor |
Talon | Bird of Prey | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Tambano | Crab | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Tamed Coralback | Crab | 10-45 Rare | Highmountain |
Tarantis | Spider | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Tat the Bonechewer | Hyena | 50 Rare | Uldum |
Tekton | Mechanical | 1-30 | Elwynn Forest |
Tempestria | Lizard | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Ten'gor | Devilsaur | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Tenok | Raptor | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Terborus | Shale Beast | 35 Rare | Deepholm |
Terokkarantula | Spider | 15-30 | Terokkar Forest |
Teromak | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Dustwallow Marsh |
Terrapis | Turtle | 1-30 Rare | Elwynn Forest |
Territorial Razorwing | Wind Serpent | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Terror Spinner | Spider | 20-30 Rare | Zul'Drak |
Terrorpene | Turtle | 30-35 Rare | Mount Hyjal |
Tethis | Raptor | 10-30 | Northern Stranglethorn |
Thartep | Crocolisk | 30-35 Elite | Uldum |
The Barbed Horror | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
The Black Stalker | Water Strider | 12-32 Boss | The Underbog (Dungeon) |
The Dark Prowler | Cat | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
The Deep Tunneler | Worm | 15-30 Rare | Winterspring |
The Ebon Hunter | Water Strider | 30-40 | Spires of Arak |
The Evalcharr | Chimaera | 5-30 Rare | Azshara |
The Golden Serpent | Wind Serpent | 52 Boss Elite | Kings' Rest (Dungeon) |
The Goreclaw | Raptor | 42 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
The Hornet | Wasp | 10-50 | Tiragarde Sound |
The Kurken | Core Hound | 12 | Azuremyst Isle |
The Lone Hunter | Wolf | 15-30 | Eastern Plaguelands |
The Perchfather | Bird of Prey | 80 Rare | Hallowfall |
The Rake | Cat | 1-30 Rare | Mulgore |
The Razza | Chimaera | 15-30 Rare | Feralas |
The Rime Huntress | Wolf | 25-50 Elite | Drustvar |
The Ringing Death | Bat | 70-80 | The Ringing Deeps |
The Sand Queen | Carapid | 32-52 Boss Elite | Tol Dagor (Dungeon) |
The Slumbering Emperor | Moth | 54-60 Rare | Ardenweald |
Thek'talon | Bird of Prey | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Thicket | Moth | 15-30 Rare | Felwood |
Thok the Bloodthirsty | Devilsaur | 35 Boss Elite | Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid) |
Thundercroak | Hopper | 10-50 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Thunderhorn | Oxen | 45 Elite | Stormheim |
Thundersnout | Boar | 35-50 Elite | Stormsong Valley |
Thunderstomp | Scalehide | 10-30 Rare | Southern Barrens |
Tia'Kawan | Direhorn | 52 Rare Elite | Zuldazar |
Tideclaw | Crab | 45 Rare | Suramar |
Timber | Wolf | 1-30 Rare | Dun Morogh |
Tix | Aqiri | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Tojek | Direhorn | 25-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Tomb Burster | Spider | 50-60 Rare | Revendreth |
Torgos | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Elite | Terokkar Forest |
Torraske the Eternal | Lizard | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Tort Jaw | Turtle | 10-50 Rare | Tiragarde Sound |
Toxigore the Alpha | Lizard | 52 Rare | Nazjatar |
Toxx | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Trachela | Carrion Bird | 15-30 | Terokkar Forest |
Tracker | Hound | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Tracking Stonesniffer | Boar | 80 | Siren Isle |
Treasurewhiskers | Rodent | 70 | Zaralek Cavern |
Treble | Mechanical | 40-45 Elite | Highmountain |
Trigore the Lasher | Hydra | 5-30 Rare Elite | Wailing Caverns (Dungeon) |
Tsavo'ka | Cat | 36 Rare Elite | Timeless Isle |
Tsul'Kalu | Gorilla | 10-30 Rare | Northern Stranglethorn |
Tukemuth | Mammoth | 30 Rare | Dragonblight |
Tula'rhun the Wanderer | Bear | 70 Elite | The Emerald Dream |
Tura'aka | Chimaera | 35-40 Rare | Nagrand - Draenor |
Tusker | Mammoth | 30 | Nagrand - Outland |
Twice-Stinger the Wretched | Blood Beast | 80 Rare | Isle of Dorn |
Twisted Child of Rezan | Devilsaur | 51 Rare Elite | Zuldazar |
Tyrantus | Devilsaur | 25-30 | Netherstorm |
U'cha | Gorilla | 15-30 | Un'Goro Crater |
Ualair | Shale Beast | 45 | Azsuna |
Uhk'loc | Gorilla | 15-30 Rare | Un'Goro Crater |
Umbra'jin | Raptor | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Umbra'rix | Spider | 52 Rare Elite | Zuldazar |
Umbraliss | Warp Stalker | 47 Rare Elite | Mac'Aree |
Urok | Devilsaur | 49-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Ursius | Bear | 15-30 | Winterspring |
Ursol'lok | Bear | 7-30 Rare | Ashenvale |
Uvuros | Core Hound | 25-30 Elite | Shadowmoon Valley - Outland |
Vanargun | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Varah | Boar | 15-30 Rare | Eastern Plaguelands |
Varasha | Hydra | 30-40 Rare | Spires of Arak |
Varg | Wolf | 10-30 | Howling Fjord |
Vargir | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Varoudnir | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced) |
Vathikur | Serpent | 35-50 Rare | Vol'dun |
Veloss | Sporebat | 10-40 Rare | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Vem | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Venolasix | Hydra | 40 Rare Elite | Gorgrond |
Venomarus | Spider | 52 Rare Elite | Arathi Highlands |
Venombarb | Chimaera | 30-40 Elite | Spires of Arak |
Venomclaw | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Venomjaw | Crocolisk | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Venomspine | Ravager | 15-30 Rare | Burning Steppes |
Venomtip | Serpent | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Verek | Hound | 21-31 Rare Elite | Blackrock Depths (Dungeon) |
Vexis | Wolf | 60 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Vicemaul | Crab | 25-50 Rare | Drustvar |
Vile Sting | Scorpid | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Vilebone Ravager | Devilsaur | 50 Elite | Nazmir |
Vileclaw | Raptor | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Vilewing | Blood Beast | 70-80 Rare | Azj-Kahet |
Volux | Wasp | 10-30 Rare | Stonetalon Mountains |
Vorsha the Lasher | Hydra | 7-30 | Ashenvale |
Vorticus | Warp Stalker | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Vuk'laz the Earthbreaker | Aqiri | 52 Rare Elite | Uldum |
Vukuba | Wind Serpent | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Vultros | Carrion Bird | 5-30 Rare | Westfall |
Vyrm the Ravenous | Wind Serpent | 51-60 | Bastion |
Warcrawler Karkithiss | Carapid | 10-50 Rare | Zuldazar |
Warg | Wolf | 15-30 Rare | Western Plaguelands |
Warphorn | Stag | 70-80 Rare | Isle of Dorn |
Warren Mongrel | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Weaponized Rabbot | Mechanical | 1-30 Rare | Dun Morogh |
Weevil | Beetle | 7-30 Rare | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Well-Fed Bear | Bear | 45 | Val'sharah |
Whiptongue | Hopper | 10-50 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Whirlwing | Feathermane | 35-50 Rare | Stormsong Valley |
Wild Onyx Serpent | Lesser Dragonkin | 20-35 Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Wildtusk | Riverbeast | 10-50 | Zuldazar |
Windroc Matriarch | Bird of Prey | 15-30 Elite | Nagrand - Outland |
Windward Huntress | Cat | 35 | The Jade Forest |
Windward Saber | Cat | 35 | The Jade Forest |
Winna's Kitten | Cat | 15-30 | Felwood |
Wraithtalon | Feathermane | 10-45 Rare | Val'sharah |
Wrinklefin | Ray | 50 | Nazjatar |
Wulon | Stone Hound | 35 Rare | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Xaarshej | Aqiri | 45 Rare Elite | Silithus |
Xelganak | Wasp | 40 Rare Elite | Nagrand - Draenor |
Xishorr | Spider | 70-80 Rare | Azj-Kahet |
Yachi | Stone Hound | 20-35 | Kun-Lai Summit |
Yao | Stone Hound | 20-35 | Kun-Lai Summit |
Yaz'za the Devourer | Hopper | 10-50 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Yiva | Hound | 62 Elite | The Maw |
Yogursa | Bear | 52 Rare Elite | Arathi Highlands |
Yukiko | Wind Serpent | 15-30 Rare | Swamp of Sorrows |
Zanxib | Raptor | 25-50 Rare | Nazmir |
Zarakh | Spider | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle |
Zaricotl | Carrion Bird | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Zatojin | Wasp | 61 Rare Elite | Zereth Mortis |
Zelnithop | Hopper | 60 Rare | Korthia |
Zhao-Ren | Lesser Dragonkin | 10 Boss Elite | The Wandering Isle |
Zhing | Gruffhorn | 20-35 Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Zora | Wasp | 15-30 Rare | Silithus |
Zormus | Warp Stalker | 15-30 Rare | Badlands |
Zorn | Spider | 10-30 Rare | Arathi Highlands |