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Potential New Models and Looks in Dragonflight
Here are all the new models - and new looks for older models - that Hunters can tame in Dragonflight.
For your interest, we've also included untameable looks for the new models, as well as untameable new models that we think have potential to become pets in the future. Any untameable looks in this guide should currently be considered purely speculative. Happy Hunting! ššš
= Exotic Family (Beast Masters only)
Currently untameable models
= Exotic Family (Beast Masters only)
Currently untameable models
= Exotic Family (Beast Masters only)
NEW families in Dragonflight
NEW Family: Lesser Dragonkin
Model: Dream Darters
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Model: Fey Darters
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Veilwings
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Hornswogs
These horned toads are currently classed as Dragonkin, so we don't know if they'll become tameable.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Cloud Serpents
Cloud Serpent Taming You must learn a special skill to tame Cloud Serpents, which is different to the skill required to tame other Lesser Dragonkin. Pandaren hunters gain the skill automatically, but hunters of other races must learn it from the tome
How to School Your Serpent , which may purchased from
San Redscale at The Arboretum in The Jade Forest. You require Exalted standing with The Order of the Cloud Serpent to read this tome, but the learned skill is account-wide. You can even purchase and read this tome on a non-hunter character.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Existing families with new models in Dragonflight
Family: Bears
Model: Ice Bears
Six delicious flavours!
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Primal Bears
This model looks like a druid form, rather than a wild bear. Perhaps it's a placeholder for a modified or new model.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Beetles
Model: Rhinoceros Beetles
An ornate new beetle model with a great range of colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Birds of Prey
Model: Ohunas
These new eagles come with or without curly horns. The horned versions also have wind effects that the non-horned versions do not.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Phoenixes
These gorgeous flaming birds have been classed as Birds of Prey. According to the database they're going to be tameable - unlike previous phoenix models. There are four standard colours, but by combining the different glow and base textures you can generate up to 16 colour variants!
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: CarapidsExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Magma Snails
Four bright magma colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Carrion Birds
Model: Peafowl
It appears these highly decorative birds have been placed in the Carrion Bird family. Probably for want of somewhere to put them rather than their dietary habits.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Cats
Model: Rockfangs
This unusual new cat model comes in a range of Big Cat colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: ClefthoovesExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Rhinos
These wicked new rhinos bear some resemblance to the old Northrend model, but with much higher detail and without fur.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: FeathermanesRequired Skill: Feathermane Taming
Model: Slyverns
These leather-winged foxes are very similar to a wyvern, and so have been classified with the latter in Feathermanes (though neither is feathery!)
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Gruffhorns
Model: Argalis
This brutish new ram comes in three fleece colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Hounds
Model: Bakars
These bestest boys and girls have a range of beautiful coats, but can also have optional spikes in their manes.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Regular Mane
Spiked Mane
Family: Lizards
Model: Salamanthers
Five great colours, with or without gills.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Gills & Fins
No Gills or Fins
Family: Mammoths
Model: Mammoths
A gorgeous new mammoth model for the Dragon Isles. It has six colour options and six tusk shape variations.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Medium Tusks
Large Tusks
Shorter Tusks
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Large Tusks
Shorter Tusks
Enormous Broken Tusks
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Enormous Tusks
Shorter Tusks
Medium Broken Tusks
Enormous Broken Tusks
Model: Magmammoths
These fiery mammoths have four different tusk variants, two different horn variants, and four different base colours (though by combining their different glow and base textures it's possible to generate 16 colour variants, some very different, others only subtly so).
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Medium Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Medium Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Longer Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Shorter Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Broken Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Shorter Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Medium Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Medium Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Longer Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Longer Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Shorter Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Shorter Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Broken Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back
Broken Tusks With Small Spikes on Head
Family: Moths
Model: Butterflies
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Rodents
Model: Ottuks
While ottuks aren't technically rodents, they've been placed in that family simply so that hunters can tame this adorable model.
Ottuk Taming
You must learn a special skill to tame ottuks. The skill is account-wide and the character that earns it doesn't have to be a hunter. Upon reaching Rank 11 Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr, an NPC will appear and offer you a quest chain beginning with
A Lost Tribe and ending with
While the Iron Is Hot . The Ottuk Taming skill is taught to you with the completion of the final quest.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Flowering Crystalspines
A really beautiful and creative addition to the Rodent family.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Beavers
This full-sized beaver model looks quite fearsome, with its chisel-teeth and massive, spiked tail.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Scalehides
Model: Armoredons
Savage new scalehides with beautiful detail and a murderous gaze.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Primal Thunder Lizards
The nose horn, back plates, and tail spikes all have multiple variations on this new model, resulting in a huge number of potential looks.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Electrified Horn & Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Regular Horn, Electrified Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Short Horn, Electrified Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Electrified Horn, Regular Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Short Horn, No Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Electrified Horn & Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Regular Horn, Electrified Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Regular Horn, Electrified Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Short Horn, Electrified Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Electrified Horn, Regular Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Regular Horn & Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Regular Horn & Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Short Horn, Regular Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Short Horn, Regular Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Electrified Horn, No Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Electrified Horn, No Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Regular Horn, No Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Regular Horn, No Back Plates, No Tail Spikes
Short Horn, No Back Plates, With Tail Spikes
Family: Serpents
Model: Great Mana Wyrms
Absolutely beautiful detail has been added to this gigantic new mana wyrm model.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Spiders
Model: Ice Spiders
An unusual new spider in three frosty colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Spirit BeastsExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Spectral Armoredons
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Stags
Model: Vorquins
Vorquins are based on the Qilin / Kirin of Chinese and Japanese mythology and so are related to the neglected windsteed model. They're in the Stag pet family but are classed as Dragonkin, so you'll require the upcoming dragonkin taming skill to tame them.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Bruffalons
These antlered ruminants have been placed in Stags, though they could perhaps also be placed in Oxen. They have antler and nose horn variations, resulting in a large number of possible appearances.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Large Antlers & Longer Nose Horn
Small Antlers & Shorter Nose Horn
No Antlers & Shorter Nose Horn
Large Antlers & Shorter Nose Horn
Small Antlers & Longer Nose Horn
No Antlers & Longer Nose Horn
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
No Antlers & Shorter Nose Horn
Large Antlers & Shorter Nose Horn
Small Antlers & Longer Nose Horn
No Antlers & Longer Nose Horn
Family: Tallstriders
Model: Hornstriders
A dragonish take on the tallstrider model, hornstriders have five colours and three possible horn shapes.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Regular Horns
Wavy Horns
Curled Horns
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Regular Horns
Curled Horns
Family: Turtles
Model: Smooth Dragon Turtles
A handsome new variation on the dragon turtle design, with a smooth shell and five colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Water StridersExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Skitterflies
A winged take on the water strider model, these creatures can often be seen flying around water sources in the Dragon Isles.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Waterfowl
Model: Ducks
The Crane family is being renamed to 'Waterfowl' in Dragonflight purely to accommodate this new model!
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Currently untameable models
Family: Monkeys
Model: Marmonis
A curious marmoset that appears to be based on the 'Rikki' Recruit-a-Friend battle pet.
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Existing models with new looks in Dragonflight
Family: Bears
Model: Dream Bears
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Thornbears
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Beetles
Model: Scarabids
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Birds of Prey
Model: Somnowls
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Pronged Antlers, Small Ears, Wide Brows
Pronged Antlers, Medium Ears, Wide Brows
Pronged Antlers, Large Ears, Crested Brow
Pronged Antlers, Medium Ears, Horned Brows
Pronged Antlers, Large Ears, Horned Brows
Crescent Antlers, Small Ears, Wide Brows
Crescent Antlers, Small Ears, Crested Brow
Crescent Antlers, Medium Ears, Crested Brow
Crescent Antlers, Small Ears, Horned Brows
Crescent Antlers, Large Ears, Horned Brows
Model: Raptoras
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Draenor Kaliri
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Death Hawks
Undead Taming Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a
Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: CarapidsExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Rock Snails
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Cats
Model: Dreamsabers
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Thornclaws
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Core HoundsExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Blaze Hounds
A sleeker, one-headed version of the core hound.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Coursers
Model: Horses
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Crabs
Model: Hermit Crabs
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Plain Shell
Sandy Shell
Algal Shell
Barnacled Shell
Pale Orange & Blue Shell
Purple & Green Shell
Model: Crabs
A high-quality update for the old crab model, including a bunch of bright new colours.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: DirehornsRequired Skill: Direhorn Taming Zandalari hunters automatically know how to tame Direhorns. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from an
Ancient Tome of Dinomancy which is a rare drop from
Zandalari Dinomancers on the Isle of Giants in Pandaria. This skill is NOT account-wide.
Model: Direhorns
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: FeathermanesRequired Skill: Feathermane Taming
Model: Umbraclaws
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Hippogryphs
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Gryphons
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Foxes
Model: Vulpin
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Hounds
Model: Infernal Hellhounds
Undead Taming Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a
Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Moths
Model: Dustmoths
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
No Sparkles
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
No Sparkles
Family: Oxen
Model: Musken
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Raptors
Model: Dreamtalons
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Rays
Model: Shalewings
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Riverbeasts
Model: Stocky Riverbeasts
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Rodents
Model: Skunks
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Model: Rock Mice
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
With Neck Ruff
No Neck Ruff
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
No Neck Ruff
Family: Serpents
Model: Rock Cobras
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Model: Mana Wyrms
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Spiders
Model: Spectral Barbed Spiders
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Tarantulas
Great new colours have been created for this BfA tarantula model. Unfortunately there are currently some glitches with this model in Dragonflight (their abdomen hairs are missing and some existing looks now have unintended orange glows), but hopefully they'll be fixed before launch.
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Spirit BeastsExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Spirit Somnowls
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Great Spirit Tigers
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Stags
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Thornbucks
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Model: Cervids
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Long Swept Horns and Armoured
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Model: Does
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Turtles
Model: Stone Dragon Turtles
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Family: Wind Serpents
Model: Wind Serpents
Tameable appearances
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Currently untameable models
Family: Carrion Birds
Model: Vultures
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Cats
Model: Firecats
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Family: ClefthoovesExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Draenor Clefthooves
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Gruffhorns
Model: Goats
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Hydras
Model: Magma Hydras
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: PterrordaxesExotic Family Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Model: Pterrordaxes
A gorgeous updated pterrordax, found primarily in Zandalar.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Family: Raptors
Model: Raptors
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Family: Scorpids
Model: Rugged Scorpions
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
New, untameable models that aren't yet in families
Unclassified Model: Deepflayers
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Unclassified Model: Deepstriders
Unconfirmed or currently untameable appearances
So far, these looks have only been found on untameable creatures.
Large Horns & Maned Back
Large Horns & Spiny Back
Huge Horns & Maned Back
Huge Horns & Spiny Back
Short Horns & Spiny Back
Possibly unused appearances
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Large Horns & Maned Back
Large Horns & Spiny Back
Huge Horns & Maned Back
Huge Horns & Spiny Back
Pronged Horns & Maned Back
Pronged Horns & Spiny Back
Short Horns & Maned Back
Short Horns & Spiny Back
Matching mounts for hunter pets Matching mounts for new hunter pet looks
New matching mounts for older hunter pet looks
Matching companions for hunter pets Matching companions for new hunter pet looks
New matching companions for older hunter pet looks