
Default Spec
You can change the spec of your pets at any Stable Master (since Patch 11.1)
Default spec: Ferocity
Fruit - Fungus

Ardenweald Dreamrunners




Requires Undead Taming.Skeletal Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Saddled Skeletal Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Spectral Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Spectral HorseUntamable Look

Requires Undead Taming.Spectral Skeletal Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Spectral Skeletal HorseUnused Look

Requires Undead Taming.Horned Skeletal Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Skeletal Warhorses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Skeletal Warhorses w/ Pennant

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Infernal Saddled Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Gloomchargers

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Requires Undead Taming.Winged Undead Horses

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Winged Undead HorseUnused Look