
Default Spec
You can change the spec of your pets at any Stable Master (since Patch 11.1)
Default spec: Tenacity
Bread - Cheese - Fruit - Fungus

Mammothsnew in Dragonflight

A gorgeous new mammoth model for the Dragon Isles. It has six colour options and six tusk shape variations.

Medium Tusks

Large Tusks

Shorter Tusks

Large Tusks

Shorter Tusks

Enormous Broken Tusks

Enormous Tusks

Shorter Tusks

Medium Broken Tusks

Enormous Broken Tusks

Magmammothsnew in Dragonflight

These fiery mammoths have four different tusk variants, two different horn variants, and four different base colours (though by combining their different glow and base textures it's possible to generate 16 colour variants, some very different, others only subtly so).

Medium Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Medium Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Longer Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Shorter Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Broken Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Shorter Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Medium Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Medium Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Longer Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Longer Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Shorter Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Shorter Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Broken Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Broken Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Each look for this model is the result of a combination of textures, and the ones below are derived from texture combinations that weren't originally designed to go together, but still work well to create a coherent new look. As there can be many such combinations, we list them separately to the standard unused looks.

Medium Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Medium Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Longer Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Longer Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Shorter Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Shorter Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Broken Tusks With Large Spikes on Head & Back

Broken Tusks With Small Spikes on Head

Classic Mammoths


Iron Horde Elekks

Classic Elekks
