Red & Brown Snapdragon

There are 2 tameable creatures with this look.

Red & Brown Snapdragon
Can Be Tamed
Nar'anan, Nazjatar
Retains its original name after taming.
Banescale occasionally spawns immediately after Siltstalker the Packmother has been killed (but definitely not all the time). He appears on the path to the left of her location (when facing towards her), in south-east Nar'anan. He's tameable at level 120 despite being level 121.
Can Be Tamed
The Waking Shores; The Forbidden Reach
There's a chance this beast will appear when you use an Elusive Creature Bait in some watery areas of The Waking Shores and some coastal areas of The Forbidden Reach. To create Elusive Creature Bait you must have levelled Dragon Isles Skinning to the point where you can select the Bait Crafter specialization (see your skinning journal inside your professions panel) and spend at least 10 points of Knowledge in it.
Cannot Be Tamed
Nar'anan, Nazjatar
Cannot Be Tamed
<Windyfin Squallstalker's Pet>
60-70Restless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
Cannot Be Tamed
80Flotsam Shoal, Siren Isle
Cannot Be Tamed
80Flotsam Shoal, Siren Isle
Friendly. Spawns after completing the quest, "Snap To It".
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Mounts

Matching Companion Pets
