Brown Krolusk

There are 5 tameable creatures with this look.

Brown Krolusk
Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Can Be Tamed
35-50Feeding Pits, Vol'dun
Can Be Tamed
Isle of Dorn; The Ringing Deeps; Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet
Has a chance to spawn when you dig up a patch of Disturbed Earth around any of the main Khaz Algar ('The War Within') zones. To unlock this you need to complete the quest Everyday I'm Snufflin in The Ringing Deeps.
Can Be Tamed
70-80The Ringing Deeps
Makes sounds when clicked.
Found in areas west of The Warrens.
Can Be Tamed
72-80The Rumbling Wastes, The Ringing Deeps
Makes sounds when clicked.
Can Be Tamed
80The Writhing Fields, The Ringing Deeps
Makes sounds when clicked.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Companion Pets
