
Default Spec
You can change the spec of your pets at any Stable Master (since Patch 11.1)
Default spec: Cunning
Mechanical Bits
Taming Requirement
Mechanical Taming
Gnome, Goblin and Mechagnome hunters automatically know how to tame Mechanicals. Hunters of other races must acquire the skill from a Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix, crafted by Engineers who have at least 1 skill point in Legion Engineering.

Mechanical Devilsaurs


Flying constructs of the Kyrian of Bastion.


Mechanical constructs of the Kyrian of Bastion.

Mechanical Tigers

If you tame five colours can you assemble Voltron?

Rocket Chickens

Robot Chickens

This updated mechanical chicken model comes in a huge range of new colours.

Robotic Gorillas

Mechanical Spiders


Mechanical Axebeaks

Mechanical Axebeak

Mechanical Rabbits

Robotic Rabbit

Mechanical Squirrels

Mechanical Squirrel

Electric Sheep

Robotic Sheep

Iron Scorpions

Armed Iron Scorpions


Mechanical Prairie Dogs

No tameable versions of these robo-prairie dogs have been found yet, but if mechanical chickens can be then why not? :)

Classic Robotic Gorillas

Classic Robot Chickens

Classic Robot ChickenRetired Look

Classic Rocket Chickens

Classic Rocket ChickenRetired Look