Burnt Orange Hyena

There are 22 tameable creatures with this look.

Burnt Orange Hyena
Can Be Tamed
5-30Northern Barrens
Can Be Tamed
10-30Southern Barrens
Can Be Tamed
Can Be Tamed
Burning Steppes
Retains its original name after taming.
On a rise due west of Flame Crest.
Can Be Tamed
Retains its original name after taming.
Found in the original (pre-N'Zoth Invasion) phase of the zone. Speak to Zidormi in Ramkahen if you need to switch time phases. Ridden by Sultan Oogah around some ruins south of the Gate of Eternity.
Can Be Tamed
Located in several areas of Vol'dun, including south of Slithering Gulch, in Windswept Pass, just south of the Court of Zak'rajan and Bonetrail Gulch.
Can Be Tamed
35-50Bonetrail Gulch, Vol'dun
Can Be Tamed
35-50Bonetrail Gulch, Vol'dun
Can Be Tamed
Bouldered Bluffs, Vol'dun
Spawned during combat with the vignette mob Ashmane.
Can Be Tamed
35-50Bouldered Bluffs, Vol'dun
Can Be Tamed
35-50Bouldered Bluffs, Vol'dun
Found in regions south of Slithering Gulch in the north-west of Vol'dun, and the north-east slopes of the Valley of Sorrows in the south-east of the zone.
Can Be Tamed
35-50Bouldered Bluffs, Vol'dun
Can Be Tamed
Found prowling the north-east slopes of the Valley of Sorrows, in the south-east of the zone; also atop a single rock formation in Windswept Pass in the north-west.
Can Be Tamed
35-50Exiles' Enclave, Vol'dun
Retains its original name after taming.
Can Be Tamed
35-50The Eternal Spring, Vol'dun
Can Be Tamed
35-50Exiles' Enclave, Vol'dun
Retains its original name after taming.
Can Be Tamed
35-50Arid Basin, Vol'dun
Retains its original name after taming.
In a cave.
Can Be Tamed
40Dreadmaul Outpost, Blasted Lands
Phased area of Blasted lands for Warlords of Draenor.
Can Be Tamed
60-70Fetid Encampment, Thaldraszus
Can Be Tamed
60-70Timbertooth Trail, The Azure Span
Can Be Tamed
80The Heaps, Undermine
Can be found in the Revolution phase of Undermine after getting the quest, Get Out There. You can no longer access this phase after completing the campaign.
Can Be Tamed
80The Heaps, Undermine
Cannot Be Tamed
10-80Chromie's Codex (Scenario)
Can spawn in Chromie's Codex - a special scenario that is available during WoW's 20th Anniversary event. We don't know if it'll return during subsequent anniversaries.
Cannot Be Tamed
Found in the original (pre-N'Zoth Invasion) phase of the zone. Speak to Zidormi in Ramkahen if you need to switch time phases. Spawns during the quest "Salhet the Tactician". The quester is in a phase of their own and is immobilized by a control interface so cannot tame.
Cannot Be Tamed
Found in the original (pre-N'Zoth Invasion) phase of the zone. Speak to Zidormi in Ramkahen if you need to switch time phases.
Cannot Be Tamed
Brackenhide Hollow (Dungeon)
Cannot Be Tamed
Brackenhide Hollow (Dungeon)
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Fetid Encampment, Thaldraszus
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Brackenhide Waterhole, The Azure Span
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Brackenhide Waterhole, The Azure Span
Cannot Be Tamed
Brackenhide Hollow (Dungeon)
Cannot Be Tamed
Brackenhide Hollow, The Azure Span
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.