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Elite Pets
Elite enemies in WoW have a golden dragon image around their portrait.
An elite pet is not any more powerful than a non-elite pet once it has been tamed, but in the wild an elite enemy is significantly tougher -- so taming one can be a special challenge.
More details on elite enemies in general can be found at Wowpedia .
Name Level Location
35 Elite Clutches of Shek'zeer, Dread Wastes
Name Level Location
15-35 EliteStoneplow, Valley of the Four Winds
<Spawn of Garalon>
32-37 EliteClutches of Shek'zeer, Dread Wastes
35 Elite Clutches of Shek'zeer, Dread Wastes
35 Elite The Horrid March, Dread Wastes
50-52 EliteJin Yang Road, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
<Kunchong Matriarch>
35 Elite Clutches of Shek'zeer, Dread Wastes
Name Level Location
15-35 EliteStoneplow, Valley of the Four Winds
Boss Gate of the Setting Sun (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Elite The Feeding Pits, Townlong Steppes
35 Elite Niuzao Temple, Townlong Steppes
37 Elite Chamber of the Paragons, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
50 Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
50-52 Rare EliteVale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Chamber of the Moon, Uldum
Name Level Location
50 Elite Obelisk of the Moon, Uldum
50 Elite Uldum
50 Elite Chamber of the Moon, Uldum
50 Spawned Elite Ruins of Ammon, Uldum
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Ruins of Ammon, Uldum
Boss Sahket Wastes, Uldum
Name Level Location
45 Rare Elite Hive'Ashi, Silithus
Name Level Location
45 Rare Elite Hive'Zora, Silithus
Name Level Location
45 Rare Elite Hive'Regal, Silithus
Name Level Location
30 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
31 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Rare Elite Silithus
31 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
30 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
30 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
31 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteGadgetzan, Tanaris
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
70 Elite Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
70 Elite Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteRockaway Coast, Highmountain
10-45 EliteStormheim
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
70 Elite Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-40 Rare EliteDaggermaw Ravine, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
15-31 EliteZul'Farrak (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteUldaman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
16-31 EliteZul'Farrak (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
25-35 Rare EliteTownlong Steppes
Name Level Location
30-60 EliteYojamba Isle, Northern Stranglethorn
Name Level Location
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
60 Elite Sanguine Depths (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Sanguine Depths (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Sanguine Depths (Dungeon)
60 Elite The Upper Reaches, Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
12-32 EliteRazorfen Kraul (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-31 EliteRazorfen Kraul (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 Rare EliteSplithoof Heights, Thousand Needles
31 Elite Servants' Quarters, Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteUldaman (Dungeon)
29-30 EliteKarazhan (Raid)
31 Elite Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
33 Rare Elite Servant's Quarters, Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
<Song from the North>
70 Elite Meandering Rootlands, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Elite Meandering Rootlands, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
45 Elite Paledoom's Overlook, Azsuna
45 Elite Paledoom's Overlook, Azsuna
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Arathi Highlands
Name Level Location
10-30 Spawned EliteGarvan's Reef, Howling Fjord
Name Level Location
35 Elite Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
35 Elite Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
80 Elite Arathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
<Scarabid Prime>
61 Rare Elite Resonant Peaks, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
30 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Archives of Eternity, Uldir (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Elite The Bastion of Twilight (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
30-35 EliteHalls of Origination (Dungeon)
50 Elite Archives of Eternity, Uldir (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Spawned Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
<Corrupted Child of Ohn'ahra>
62-72 Rare EliteNokhudon Hold, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60 Rare Elite Fissured Breach, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
<Raptora Prime>
61 Spawned Rare Elite Garudeon's Nest, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60 Elite Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
53-60 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
53-61 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
53-60 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
53-61 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
53-60 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
53-61 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
53-60 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
53-61 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
40 Elite Skettis, Spires of Arak
40 Elite Skettis, Spires of Arak
Name Level Location
42 Elite Tanaan Jungle
42 Elite Hellfire Citadel (Raid)
42 Elite Hellfire Citadel (Raid)
<Avatar of Iskar>
43 Rare Elite Ruins of Kra'nak, Tanaan Jungle
Name Level Location
32-42 EliteSkyreach (Dungeon)
60-70 EliteObsidian Citadel, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
30-40 EliteSpires of Arak
31-41 EliteSkyreach (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
47 Rare Elite Ala'washte's Nest, Highmountain
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteHighmountain
Name Level Location
10-45 Spawned EliteNastrondir, Stormheim
Name Level Location
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteNagrand - Outland
15-30 Spawned EliteNagrand - Outland
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteSethekk Halls (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteEmerald Dragonshrine, Dragonblight
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteSethekk Halls (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
Boss Sethekk Halls (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Ruby Dragonshrine, End Time (Dungeon)
45 Rare Elite The Hold, Maw of Souls (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
80 Elite Arathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
80 Elite Arathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
78-80 EliteMaddening Deep, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
80 Elite Arathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
80 Elite Arathi's End, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
Boss The Underrot (Dungeon)
52 Elite Uldir (Raid)
Name Level Location
25-50 EliteThe Underrot (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
54-60 EliteValley of a Thousand Legs, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
54-60 EliteValley of a Thousand Legs, Maldraxxus
60 Elite Glutharn's Decay, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
49-50 EliteBanquet Hall, Waycrest Manor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteAzsuna
Name Level Location
41 Rare Elite Stonefury Cliffs, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
40 Elite Hellfire Citadel (non-instance), Tanaan Jungle
Name Level Location
<Boar Matriarch>
35-50 EliteMuckwallow, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
62-72 Rare EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteThe Hallowfall Gate, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteThe Hallowfall Gate, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteThe Hallowfall Gate, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
<Gastropod Prime>
60 Rare Elite Zereth Mortis
60 Elite Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteMists of Tirna Scithe
60 Elite Gormhive, Ardenweald
60-61 EliteTirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
61 Rare Elite Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteMists of Tirna Scithe
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteMists of Tirna Scithe
60 Elite Dusty Burrows, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60-61 EliteTirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
35-50 EliteTemple of Sethraliss (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
Boss Tol Dagor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-40 EliteTalador
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteBastion
Name Level Location
51-60 Spawned EliteGreatwing Roost, Bastion
Name Level Location
Boss Roost of Ji-Kun, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
25-50 EliteWaycrest Manor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Arathi Highlands
Name Level Location
10-45 Spawned Rare EliteWhispering Bluffs, Val'sharah
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteThe Dragon Wastes, Dragonblight
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteVeil Rhaze, Terokkar Forest
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Ohn'ahran Plains; Thaldraszus
Name Level Location
45 Elite Shadowguard Incursion, The Seat of the Triumvirate (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Shadowguard Incursion, The Seat of the Triumvirate (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<King of the Forest>
47 Rare Elite Grove of Naroua, Krokuun
47 Rare Elite Mac'Aree
Name Level Location
10-45 ElitePinerock Basin, Highmountain
60 Elite Misteveil Tangle, Ardenweald
60 Elite Elder Stand, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Misteveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
<Ghost in the Darkness>
36 Rare Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
Name Level Location
10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
Name Level Location
10-35 Rare EliteThe Jade Forest
36 Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
35 Elite Zul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
35 Elite Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
54-60 EliteMaldraxxus
Name Level Location
<The Bone Matriarch>
52-61 EliteUnyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteValley of a Thousand Legs & The Stabbing Wastes, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteValley of a Thousand Legs & The Stabbing Wastes, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
52-62 EliteThe Necrotic Wake (Dungeon)
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
15-40 EliteGorgrond
30-40 EliteThe Howling Crag, Spires of Arak
Name Level Location
10-40 EliteStonefang Ridge, Frostfire Ridge
15-40 EliteValley of Destruction, Gorgrond
Name Level Location
<Venom and Storm>
52 Rare Elite Darkshore
Name Level Location
10-40 EliteThe Burning Glacier, Frostfire Ridge
10-40 EliteIron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge
16-41 EliteIron Docks (Dungeon and Non-Instanced), Gorgrond; Iron Docks (Dungeon)
40 Elite The Pit, Gorgrond
Name Level Location
37-42 EliteBlackrock Stadium, Upper Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
Boss The Breaking Grounds, Blackrock Foundry (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-40 EliteGorgrond
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Elite Ironhold Harbor, Tanaan Jungle
Name Level Location
Boss The Breaking Grounds, Blackrock Foundry (Raid)
Name Level Location
21-31 EliteGundrak (Dungeon)
21-31 EliteGundrak (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteLaughing Skull Ruins, Nagrand - Outland
Name Level Location
70 Elite Igira's Watch & Zaqali Caldera, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
25-30 EliteShadowmoon Valley - Outland
Name Level Location
30-35 EliteMount Hyjal
31 Elite Molten Core (Raid)
32 Elite Molten Core (Raid)
32 Elite Molten Core (Raid)
Boss Molten Core (Raid)
Name Level Location
37-42 EliteThe Furnace, Upper Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
62 Rare Elite Dreamshrine Basin, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
12-47 Rare EliteDeadwood Landing, Broken Shore
Name Level Location
29-35 EliteShadowfang Keep (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Chitterspine Grotto & Deepcoil Tunnels, Nazjatar
50 Elite Brinestone Cove, Nazjatar
81 Elite Stormtide Dregs, Flotsam Shoal, Siren Isle
Name Level Location
51-52 Rare EliteChitterspine Grotto, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
80 Elite Stormtide Dregs, Siren Isle
Name Level Location
50 Elite Chitterspine Grotto & Deepcoil Tunnels, Nazjatar
50 Elite Brinestone Cove, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Elite Coral Forest & Dragon's Teeth Basin, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Elite Coral Forest & Dragon's Teeth Basin, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Rare Elite Coral Forest & Dragon's Teeth Basin, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Elite Dragon's Teeth Basin, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteBlackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
10-30 EliteBlackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-35 EliteKrasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteIsle of the Watchers, Azsuna
Name Level Location
30-50 EliteTol Dagor (Dungeon)
35 Elite Narsong Trench, Krasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
40 Elite Scuttler's Coast, Tanaan Jungle
47 Rare Elite Temple of a Thousand Lights, Azsuna
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
12-32 EliteThe Forgotten Pool, Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
36 Rare Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteIsle of the Watchers, Azsuna
30-50 EliteTol Dagor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteIsle of the Watchers, Azsuna
Name Level Location
36 Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteIsle of the Watchers, Azsuna
Name Level Location
15-35 EliteKrasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
30-35 Spawned EliteUldum
30-35 Spawned EliteUldum
35 Elite Zul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Zul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30-35 Spawned EliteUldum
Name Level Location
30-50 EliteSodden Depths, Tol Dagor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
12-32 EliteZaetar's Grave, Maraudon (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Elite The Dreadmire, Nazmir
Name Level Location
Boss The Bone Pit, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
50 Elite Zuldazar
Name Level Location
52 Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
49-50 EliteZul'Nazman, Nazmir
49-50 EliteThe Fallen Outpost, Nazmir
49-50 EliteUrok's Lair, Nazmir
50 Elite Zuldazar
51 Rare Elite Lair of Rezan, Zuldazar
60 Elite The Necropolis, Nazmir
Name Level Location
49-50 EliteNazwatha, Nazmir
Name Level Location
Boss Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteThe Preserve, Zuldazar
10-50 EliteXibala, Zuldazar
32-35 EliteDiremoor, Isle of Thunder
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteZuldazar
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteSavagelands, Zuldazar
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
50 Elite Savagelands, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
<The Bone Crusher>
25-50 EliteTorga's Rest, Nazmir
32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
Boss The Menagerie, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
30-60 EliteUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteUn'Goro Crater
15-30 Rare EliteSearing Gorge
17-32 EliteRaptor Pens, Drak'Tharon Keep (Dungeon)
30-60 EliteUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
30-60 EliteUn'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
<Mate of Tia'Kawan>
10-50 EliteSavagelands, Zuldazar
<The Rogue Tusk>
25-50 ElitePlains of Tojek, Nazmir
32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
<The Ancient>
10-50 EliteZuldazar
32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
35 Elite Isle of Giants
36 Elite Isle of Giants
<The Ill-Tempered>
52 Rare Elite Zuldazar
Name Level Location
Boss Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
32-35 Spawned EliteDiremoor, Isle of Thunder
Name Level Location
32 Elite Tempest Keep: The Eye (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Sunwell Plateau (Raid)
Name Level Location
19-30 EliteThe Botanica (Dungeon)
30 Elite Tempest Keep: The Eye (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Zul'Aman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Azure Span
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteBastion
60 Elite Bastion
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteGleaming Overlook, Bastion
52-60 EliteKala's Den, Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite Spires of Ascension (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Azsuna
Name Level Location
47 Rare Elite Azsuna
Name Level Location
45 Elite Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteWestwind Weald, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
62-72 Rare EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteGelikyr Gardens & Tyrhold Reservoir, Thaldraszus
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteMists of Tirna Scithe
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteZuldazar
Name Level Location
Boss Battle of Dazar'alor (Raid)
Name Level Location
Boss Battle of Dazar'alor (Raid)
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Caldera of the Menders, The Forbidden Reach
Name Level Location
20-35 EliteKun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
20-35 Rare EliteKun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
<Bufonid Prime>
60 Rare Elite The Sepulcher of the First Ones, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
35 Elite Croaking Hollow, Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
10-31 EliteRazorfen Kraul (Dungeon)
38 Rare Elite Croaking Hollow, Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
11-31 Rare EliteRazorfen Kraul (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-50 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
10-50 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
11-51 EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
80 Rare Elite Stillstone Pond, Hallowfall
Name Level Location
10-50 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
<Mate of Guarm>
62 Elite Helgarde Keep, The Maw
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteUnfallen's Sanctum, Maldraxxus
52-60 EliteUnfallen's Sanctum, Maldraxxus
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
<Child of Guarm>
60 Elite Helgarde Keep, The Maw
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteTheater of Pain, Maldraxxus
<Child of Guarm>
60 Elite Helgarde Keep, The Maw
<Child of Guarm>
60 Elite Helgarde Keep, The Maw
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
<Child of Guarm>
60 Elite Helgarde Keep, The Maw
Name Level Location
Boss Helheim
Boss The Eternal Battlefield, Trial of Valor (Raid)
<Child of Guarm>
60 Elite Helgarde Keep, The Maw
60 Elite The Beastwarrens, The Maw
Name Level Location
50 Elite Planes of Torment, The Maw
60 Elite Planes of Torment, The Maw
60 Elite Sanctum of Domination (Raid)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteRagefire Chasm (Dungeon)
35 Elite Firelands (Raid)
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteRagefire Chasm (Dungeon)
35 Elite Firelands (Raid)
35 Elite Sethria's Roost, Mount Hyjal
35 Elite Firelands (Raid)
46 Elite The Deaths of Chromie (Scenario)
Name Level Location
10-45 Rare EliteMaw of Souls (Dungeon)
45 Elite The Scullery, Return to Karazhan (Dungeon)
60 Elite Desmotaeron, The Maw
Name Level Location
20-30 EliteThe Avalanche, Sholazar Basin
20-30 EliteThe Avalanche, Sholazar Basin
30 Elite Corp'rethar, the Desolation Gate, Icecrown
30 Elite Icecrown Citadel (Raid)
30 Elite Icecrown Citadel (Raid)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Shrine of the Eclipse, The Sunwell (Scenario)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
21-31 Rare EliteBlackrock Depths (Dungeon)
33 Rare Elite Servant's Quarters, Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
10-35 EliteScarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery (Dungeon)
11-35 EliteScarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery (Dungeon)
11-35 EliteScarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteThe Violet Hold (Northrend Dungeon)
15-30 EliteThe Violet Hold (Northrend Dungeon)
15-30 Spawned EliteThe Violet Hold (Northrend Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteThe Nexus (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Icecrown
30 Elite Icecrown
Name Level Location
Boss Gallery of Failures, Uldir (Raid)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Ashen Strand, Nazjatar
51 Rare Elite Ashen Strand, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
40 Elite Tanaan Jungle
40 Elite Tanaan Jungle
40 Elite Tanaan Jungle
Name Level Location
50 Elite Ashen Strand, Nazjatar
51 Rare Elite Ashen Strand, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
15-40 EliteMistcreep Mire, Gorgrond
40 Elite Lernaen Shore and The South Sea (south of Windroc Bay), Nagrand - Draenor
40 Elite Lernaen Shore and Windroc Bay, Nagrand - Draenor
40 Elite Lernaen Shore and Windroc Bay, Nagrand - Draenor
40 Rare Elite Everbloom Wilds, Gorgrond
<The River Lord>
52 Rare Elite Shrouded Shore, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
30-40 EliteSpires of Arak
40 Rare Elite Echidnean Shelf, Spires of Arak
Name Level Location
15-40 EliteBeach east of Everbloom Wilds, Gorgrond
Name Level Location
50 Elite Ashen Strand, Nazjatar
51 Rare Elite Ashen Strand, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
12-32 EliteThe Underbog (Dungeon)
32 Elite Black Temple (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteDustwallow Marsh
Name Level Location
36 Elite Zul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteDustwallow Marsh
Name Level Location
5-30 Rare EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
16-31 EliteZul'Farrak (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Huntsman's Cloister, Scarlet Monastery - Old (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
8-30 Rare EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
17-44 EliteDire Maul West (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
8-30 Rare EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
61 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60-70 Rare EliteWild Coast, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteShikaar Highlands, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
60-70 EliteRoaring Dragonsprings, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
50 Elite Winterbough Glade, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
50 Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
20-35 EliteMount Neverest, Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
11-61 EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
<The Thundering Call>
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
35 Rare Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
<The Storm Lord>
Boss The Foot of Lei Shen, Isle of Thunder
<The Storm Lord>
Boss The Foot of Lei Shen, The Fall of Shan Bu (Isle of Thunder) (Scenario)
Name Level Location
<Child of Alani>
35 Elite The Hall of the Serpent, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
50 Elite Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
50 Elite The Golden Stair, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
<The Onyx Serpent>
Boss The Wandering Isle
35 Spawned Elite Cloudstrike Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery (Dungeon)
35 Elite Niuzao Temple, Townlong Steppes
Boss Terrace of Endless Spring (Raid)
Name Level Location
<Chalcedony Construct>
52 Rare Elite The Hall of the Serpent, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
80 Elite The Faded Shore, Hallowfall
Name Level Location
51 Elite Nar'anan, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
51 Elite Tol Dagor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Scrapbone Den, Operation: Mechagon (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
47 Elite Un'goro Crater, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteZuldazar
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Azure Span
60-70 EliteThe Azure Span
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteWanderer's Steppe, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Mallakh, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteScalecracker Keep, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent; Emberflow, The Waking Shores
Boss Neltharus (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteScalecracker Keep, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent; Emberflow, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteScalecracker Keep, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent; Emberflow, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteScalecracker Keep, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent; Emberflow, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteScalecracker Keep, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent; Emberflow, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteScalecracker Keep, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteBurning Ascent; Emberflow, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
<The Ivory Death>
40 Elite Drybone Hollow, Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Elite The Pit, Gorgrond
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
10-40 Spawned EliteThunder Pass, Frostfire Ridge
Boss Blackrock Foundry (Raid)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Citadel of Loyalty, Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite The Eternal Forge, Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite The Eternal Forge, Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite The Eternal Forge, Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite Citadel of Doubt, Bastion
60 Elite Citadel of Doubt, Bastion
Name Level Location
50 Elite Operation: Mechagon (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Bondo's Yard, Mechagon
Name Level Location
30-60 EliteFungal Rock, Un'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
45 Elite Alcaz Island, Dustwallow Marsh
52 Elite Mechagon
Name Level Location
45 Elite Alcaz Island, Dustwallow Marsh
Name Level Location
45 Elite Alcaz Island, Dustwallow Marsh
Name Level Location
40-45 EliteHighmountain
Name Level Location
45 Elite Alcaz Island, Dustwallow Marsh
Name Level Location
40-45 EliteAzsuna
60 Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Operation: Mechagon (Dungeon)
Boss The Under Junk, Operation: Mechagon (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Elite The Under Junk, Operation: Mechagon (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
9-60 EliteThe Dormitory, Gnomeregan (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
70-80 Rare EliteThe Crystal Fields, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
51-61 Rare EliteTorghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon)
60 Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteMists of Tirna Scithe
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteBastion
60 Elite Bastion
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteBastion
60 Elite Bastion
Name Level Location
15-35 Spawned EliteSilken Fields, Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
60 Elite Unyielding Assembly, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
35 Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
35 Elite Mazu's Overlook, Dread Wastes
Name Level Location
45 Elite Nastrondir, Stormheim
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteFields of the Eternal Hunt, Halls of Valor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-50 Rare EliteSkyrender Eyrie, Zuldazar
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
52 Spawned Rare Elite Savagelands, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
25-50 ElitePlains of Tojek, Nazmir
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
10-50 EliteAtal'dazar (Dungeon)
25-50 EliteNazmir
Name Level Location
81 Elite Kaja'Coast, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
47 Elite Un'goro Crater, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Isle of Giants
35 Elite Isle of Giants
37 Elite The Menagerie, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Isle of Giants
35 Elite Isle of Giants
Name Level Location
35 Elite Isle of Giants
35 Elite Isle of Giants
37 Elite The Menagerie, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Isle of Giants
35 Elite Isle of Giants
37 Elite The Menagerie, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
36 Elite Mandokir's Domain, Zul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
50 Spawned Elite Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar (Dungeon)
51 Elite Sepulcher of the Dahazi, Kings' Rest (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
51 Spawned Elite Kings' Rest (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
51 Spawned Elite Kings' Rest (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Alluvanon's Delta, Azsuna
46 Elite Alluvanon's Delta, Azsuna
Name Level Location
45 Elite Gull Rock, Stormheim
46 Elite Gull Rock, Stormheim
Name Level Location
45 Elite Verdant Cliffs, Val'sharah
46 Elite Verdant Cliffs, Val'sharah
Name Level Location
45 Elite Misty Coast, Highmountain
46 Elite Misty Coast, Highmountain
Name Level Location
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
52 Rare Elite Arathi Highlands
Name Level Location
15-40 Rare EliteGorgrond
Name Level Location
8-31 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
8-30 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-30 EliteBlade's Edge Mountains
Name Level Location
30-40 EliteThe Thorn Pits, Spires of Arak
30-40 EliteBloodmane Pridelands, Spires of Arak
Name Level Location
70-80 Rare EliteZaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Elite Slagfell Hold, The Emerald Dream
70 Elite Molten Overflow, Zaralek Cavern
70 Elite Molten Overflow, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
80 Rare Elite Obsidian Hollow, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Sulfur Wastes, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
50 Elite Coral Forest, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Elite Dragon's Teeth Basin, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteGlutharn's Decay, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
11-31 EliteThe Underbog (Dungeon)
<Observer's Pet>
12-32 EliteThe Slave Pens (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteRestless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteClearwater Basin, Reedwhistle Bay, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteRestless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteRestless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteRestless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteMirror of the Sky, Ohn'ahran Plains
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, The Waking Shores
60-70 EliteWild Preserve, Wild Feeding Pits, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
25-50 EliteUpper Frogmarsh, Nazmir
Name Level Location
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
15-40 Rare EliteRiverbeast Den, Gorgrond
20-40 EliteTalador
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteAbyssal Excavation, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteAbyssal Excavation, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteAbyssal Excavation, The Ringing Deeps
Name Level Location
<Vombata Prime>
60 Rare Elite Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
50 Elite Cocyrus & Zovaal's Cauldron, The Maw
Name Level Location
20-35 Rare EliteKun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteDragonsprings Summit, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteSylvan Glade, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
60 Rare Elite Gromit Hollow, Korthia
60 Elite Hope's Ascent, Korthia
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
60-70 EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteTerror Run, Golakka Hot Springs, Un'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteTerror Run, Golakka Hot Springs, Un'Goro Crater
15-30 EliteTerror Run, Golakka Hot Springs, Un'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteTerror Run, Golakka Hot Springs, Un'Goro Crater
Name Level Location
15-35 EliteThe Wild Plains, Valley of the Four Winds
20-35 EliteThe Yaungol Advance, Kun-Lai Summit
37 Elite The Menagerie, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
10-35 EliteMurky Bank, The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteCenarion Wildlands, Desolace
Name Level Location
35 Elite Dread Wastes
35 Elite Dread Wastes
<The Corpse-Reaver>
36 Rare Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
70 Elite The Smoldering Copse, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
45 Elite The Nighthold (Raid)
Name Level Location
45 Elite The Nighthold (Raid)
Name Level Location
45 Elite The Nighthold (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite The Nighthold (Raid)
Boss The Nighthold (Raid)
Name Level Location
14-30 EliteUldaman (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
32 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteSilithus
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
70 Elite Molten Overflow, Zaralek Cavern
70 Elite Molten Overflow, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite Sulfur Wastes, Zaralek Cavern
70 Spawned Elite Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Elite Slagfell Hold, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
35 Elite Timeless Isle
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
<The Creeping Death>
49-50 EliteRazorjaw River, Nazmir
Name Level Location
35 Spawned Elite Grand Overlook, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
35 Rare Elite Timeless Isle
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
11-51 EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
35 Elite Forest Heart, The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
46 Elite Lair of Harjatan, Tomb of Sargeras (Raid)
47 Spawned Elite The Abyssal Throne, Tomb of Sargeras (Raid)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Chamber of the Harvesters, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
46 Elite Lair of Harjatan, Tomb of Sargeras (Raid)
<Nightmare in the Depths>
50 Rare Elite Shassera's Lair, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
51 Rare Elite Spears of Azshara, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
<Loa of Treachery>
60 Elite Dusky Grotto, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
35-50 EliteTemple of Sethraliss (Dungeon)
35-50 Spawned EliteTemple of Sethraliss (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
Boss Temple of Sethraliss (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35-50 EliteWhistlebloom Oasis, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
30 Elite Guardian's Library, Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Elite The Menagerie, Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
8-31 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
35 Elite Zul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
9-31 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
9-31 Spawned EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
15-30 Spawned EliteZul'Farrak (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
30-35 EliteThe Briny Muck, Dread Wastes
35 Spawned Elite Chamber of the Paragons, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
<Terror of the Dread Wastes>
35 Spawned Elite Gao-Ran Battlefront, Townlong Steppes
Name Level Location
50 Elite The Maelstrom (Defending the Maelstrom Scenario)
Name Level Location
Boss The Winding Halls, The Stonecore (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite Forgotten Depths, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
80 Elite Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
80 Elite The Waterworks, Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
80 Elite Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
80 Elite The Waterworks, Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
80 Elite Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
80 Elite The Waterworks, Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
80 Elite Light's Blooming, Hallowfall
80 Elite The Waterworks, Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Arathi Highlands
Name Level Location
<Tarachnid Prime>
62 Rare Elite Deserted Overlook, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
62 Rare Elite Bony Spindles, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
Name Level Location
60 Elite Bony Spindles, Maldraxxus
60 Elite Sightless Hold, Maldraxxus
60 Elite House of Eyes, Maldraxxus
Name Level Location
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Spawned Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45 Elite Isle of the Watchers, Azsuna
45 Spawned Elite Nal'tira's Lair, The Arcway (Dungeon)
45 Elite Nal'tira's Lair, The Arcway (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteTomb of the Penitent, Vault of the Wardens (Dungeon)
45 Elite Path of Illumination, Cathedral of Eternal Night (Dungeon)
45 Spawned Elite Path of Illumination, Cathedral of Eternal Night (Dungeon)
45 Elite Mulgore, The Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
45-46 EliteHalls of the Boundless Reach, Antorus, the Burning Throne (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-35 Spawned EliteKrasarang Wilds
31 Elite Naxxramas (Raid)
Name Level Location
22-32 Rare EliteSkitterweb Tunnels, Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
22-32 EliteSkitterweb Tunnels, Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
30 Elite Karazhan (Raid)
31 Elite Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Naxxramas (Raid)
33 Rare Elite Servants' Quarters, Karazhan (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Naxxramas (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteRazorfen Downs (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Rockcrawler Chasm, Highmountain
Name Level Location
16-31 EliteDrak'Tharon Keep (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteTerokkar Forest
Name Level Location
<The Venom Queen>
10-30 Spawned EliteShadra'Alor, The Hinterlands
15-40 Rare EliteDarksting Cave, Gorgrond
<Servant of Shadra>
52 Rare Elite Garden of the Loa, Zuldazar
Name Level Location
<Ember of Regrowth>
70 Elite Amirdrassil, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Daughter of Kimbul>
70 Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
65-70 EliteOhn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
Boss Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Location
35 Elite The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
35 Elite Valley of the Four Winds
Name Level Location
31 Elite Serpentshrine Cavern (Raid)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteThe Underbog (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
70 Elite Meandering Rootlands, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
70 Spawned Elite The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Cervid Prime>
61 Rare Elite Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
60 Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
60 Elite Misteveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Misteveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteScreeching Crag, Highmountain
Name Level Location
10-40 EliteShadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
<The Accuser's Pet>
57-58 EliteHalls of Atonement, Revendreth
57-60 EliteHalls of Atonement (Dungeon)
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
62 Spawned Rare Elite Chalice District, Revendreth
Name Level Location
57-60 EliteHalls of Atonement (Dungeon)
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
60 Elite Dominance Keep, Revendreth
60 Elite Forgotten Chamber, Revendreth
Name Level Location
<The Accuser's Pet>
57-58 EliteHalls of Atonement, Revendreth
Name Level Location
61 Rare Elite The Upper Reaches; Twisting Corridors, Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Crypt of Forgotten Kings (Scenario)
Name Level Location
20-35 EliteMogu'shan Palace (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 Spawned EliteThe Demon Ward, Vault of the Wardens (Dungeon)
36 Elite Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
36 Elite Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
36 Elite Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Name Level Location
Boss Greenstone Village (Scenario)
52 Rare Elite Ruins Rise, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Boss Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Boss Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Boss Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Boss Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Name Level Location
20-35 EliteMogu'shan Palace (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-35 EliteMogu'shan Palace (Dungeon)
35 Elite Crypt of Forgotten Kings (Scenario)
Name Level Location
35 Elite Crypt of Forgotten Kings (Scenario)
Name Level Location
<The Frozen Sage>
Boss Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
<The Molten Flare>
Boss Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
<The Stormcaller>
Boss Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder (Raid)
Name Level Location
70 Elite Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteGarden of Edenia, Bastion
60 Elite Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite Bastion
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteBastion
Name Level Location
15-35 Rare EliteKrasarang Wilds
37 Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
34-37 Rare EliteDiremoor, Isle of Thunder
Name Level Location
10-50 EliteTol Dagor (Non-Instanced), Tiragarde Sound
51 Elite Tol Dagor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-35 EliteKrasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteEye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
10-50 EliteTol Dagor (Non-Instanced), Tiragarde Sound
35 Elite Timeless Isle
51 Elite Tol Dagor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
12-32 EliteThe Pool of Ask'ar, Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
11-31 EliteThe Pool of Ask'ar, Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
8-30 EliteScreaming Gully, Wailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteBlackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteBlackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
<Coilskar Harpooner's Pet>
30 Elite Black Temple (Raid)
Name Level Location
15-30 Spawned EliteTerokkar Forest
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
26-32 EliteThe Arcatraz (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
45 Elite Shadowguard Incursion, The Seat of the Triumvirate (Dungeon)
<Voidstalker Matriarch>
47 Rare Elite Umbra Hollows, Mac'Aree
Name Level Location
80 Elite Cinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
80 Elite Cinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
80 Elite Cinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
80 Rare Elite Cinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70-80 EliteCinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
<Vespoid Prime>
61 Rare Elite Zovaal's Grasp, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60 Elite Fissured Breach, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
50-60 EliteMists of Tirna Scithe
60 Elite Tirna Scithe, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
54-60 EliteMaldraxxus
Name Level Location
52 Elite Highland Flats, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
35-50 EliteMildenhall Meadery & Wendigo Highlands, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
40 Rare Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
53-60 ElitePlaguefall (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
51 Elite Archives of Eternity, Uldir (Raid)
Name Level Location
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
10-40 EliteShadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteThe Underbog (Dungeon)
61 Rare Elite Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-30 EliteThe Underbog (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
30 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
32 Elite Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
31 Spawned Elite Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Name Level Location
10-35 Rare EliteThe Jade Forest
Name Level Location
30 Elite Serpentshrine Cavern (Raid)
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Dread Wastes
Name Level Location
70 Elite Overflowing Rapids, The Waking Shores
Name Level Location
51-60 EliteFirstborne's Bounty, Bastion
Name Level Location
60 Elite Mistveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Misteveil Tangle, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
57-60 EliteEmerald Glade, Dreamshrine Basin & Hibernal Hollow, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
15-35 Rare EliteValley of the Four Winds
35 Elite Timeless Isle
Name Level Location
57-60 EliteEmerald Glade, Dreamshrine Basin & Hibernal Hollow, Ardenweald
60 Elite Elder Stand, Ardenweald
60 Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
60 Elite Misteveil Tangle, Ardenweald
60 Elite Elder Stand, Ardenweald
Name Level Location
60 Elite Spires of Ascension (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
52-60 EliteGarden of Edenia, Bastion
52-60 EliteBastion
Name Level Location
32 Elite Sanctum of the Fallen God, Sunken Temple (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
9-31 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-30 Rare EliteSunken Temple (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
Boss Kings' Rest (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
9-31 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-30 EliteSunken Temple (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
60 Spawned Elite De Other Side (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
16-31 EliteSethekk Halls (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
20-30 EliteZul'Drak
Name Level Location
60 Rare Elite The Great Veldt, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
10-40 EliteShadowmoon Valley - Draenor
40 Elite Frostboar Drifts, Frostfire Ridge
<Warrior's Death>
42 Elite Frostboar Drifts, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
40 Elite Nagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
25-50 EliteHighroad Pass, Drustvar
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteFields of the Eternal Hunt, Halls of Valor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
10-45 EliteFields of the Eternal Hunt, Halls of Valor (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteShadowfang Tower, Grizzly Hills
Name Level Location
<Thundermaw Alpha>
52 Rare Elite Sunblossom Hill, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
19-31 EliteUtgarde Pinnacle (Dungeon)
25-30 EliteThe Storm Peaks
25-30 EliteDun Niffelem, The Storm Peaks
Name Level Location
7-30 EliteRedridge Mountains
Name Level Location
31 Elite Halls of Anguish, Black Temple (Raid)
Name Level Location
Boss Halycon's Lair, Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
Boss Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite The Valley of Strength, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
37 Spawned Elite The Valley of Strength, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
36 Elite The Valley of Strength, Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
Name Level Location
50 Elite Chitterspine Caverns, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Chitterspine Caverns, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Elite Chitterspine Caverns, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite The Underrot (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
15-30 EliteDragonblight; Hour of Twilight (Dungeon)
<Devourer of Ogres>
41 Rare Elite Stonefury Cliffs, Frostfire Ridge
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Krasarang River, Krasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
10-35 EliteFox Grove, The Jade Forest
Name Level Location
20-30 EliteSunken Temple (Dungeon)