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Rare Pets with Uncommon Looks
[ 141 looks ]
Some hunters enjoy collecting rare pets. Some hunters like collecting pets with uncommon looks.
And some hunters have to have everything: rare pets with a unique look.
The pets on this page have looks that are only available on one rare, tameable NPC.
See also: Rare Pets , Pets with Unusual Looks
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Chamber of the Moon, Uldum
Name Level Location
45 Rare Elite Hive'Ashi, Silithus
Name Level Location
45 Rare Elite Hive'Zora, Silithus
Name Level Location
45 Rare Elite Hive'Regal, Silithus
Name Level Location
15-30 RareHive'Regal, Silithus
Name Level Location
15-30 RareHive'Ashi, Silithus
Name Level Location
15-30 RareHive'Ashi, Silithus
Name Level Location
15-30 RareThousand Needles
Name Level Location
10-30 RareDesolace
Name Level Location
10-30 RareCrystalvein Mine, The Cape of Stranglethorn
Name Level Location
15-30 RareBlasted Lands
Name Level Location
25-35 Rare EliteTownlong Steppes
Name Level Location
15-30 RareTanaris
Name Level Location
1-30 RareTirisfal Glades
Name Level Location
35-50 RareRoaring Highland, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
7-30 RareAshenvale
Name Level Location
15-30 RareFelwood
Name Level Location
1-30 RareMirror Lake Orchard, Elwynn Forest
Name Level Location
15-30 RareNorth of Bloodvenom Post, Felwood
Name Level Location
15-30 RareNorth of Bloodvenom Post, Felwood
Name Level Location
7-30 RareHillsbrad Foothills
Name Level Location
10-30 RareThe Hinterlands
Name Level Location
15-30 RareWestern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
1-30 RareTirisfal Glades
Name Level Location
1-30 RareDun Morogh
Name Level Location
60 Rare Provis Esper, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
<Scarabid Prime>
61 Rare Elite Resonant Peaks, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
50 Rare Uldum
Name Level Location
10-30 RareSouthern Barrens
Name Level Location
60-70 RareThe Flowing Forest, Thaldraszus
Name Level Location
60 Rare Elite Fissured Breach, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
<Raptora Prime>
61 Spawned Rare Elite Garudeon's Nest, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
10-30 RareStonetalon Mountains
Name Level Location
15-30 RareFelwood
Name Level Location
20-30 RareSholazar Basin
Name Level Location
15-30 RareEastern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
1-30 RareTirisfal Glades
Name Level Location
15-30 RareEastern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
15-30 RareWestern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
15-30 RareBlasted Lands
Name Level Location
80 Rare Hallowfall
Name Level Location
15-30 RareFrostsaber Rock, Winterspring
Name Level Location
5-30 RareDarkshore
Name Level Location
1-30 RareTeldrassil
Name Level Location
15-30 RareBadlands
Name Level Location
<The Fire Spirit>
10-30 RareNorthern Stranglethorn
Name Level Location
37-62 RareFireplume Peak, Molten Front
Name Level Location
15-30 RareSwamp of Sorrows
Name Level Location
10-30 RareStonetalon Mountains
Name Level Location
15-30 RareFelwood
Name Level Location
<Venom and Storm>
52 Rare Elite Darkshore
Name Level Location
<The Breath of Moon>
10-40 RareShadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Name Level Location
35-40 RareNagrand - Draenor
Name Level Location
10-30 (NPC Level:5-30 ) RareAzshara
Name Level Location
12-47 Rare EliteDeadwood Landing, Broken Shore
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
80 Rare Blackwater Marina, Undermine
Name Level Location
51-52 Rare EliteChitterspine Grotto, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Rare Zanj'ir Terrace & Abyssal Pools, Nazjatar
Name Level Location
10-50 RareUmber Shore, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
50 Rare Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Rare Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Rare Nazjatar
Name Level Location
50 Rare Nazjatar
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
15-30 RareThousand Needles
Name Level Location
37-62 RareFireplume Peak, Molten Front
Name Level Location
Boss The Bone Pit, Vol'dun
Name Level Location
20-30 RareSholazar Basin
Name Level Location
15-30 RareBurning Steppes
Name Level Location
15-30 RareWinterspring
Name Level Location
70 Rare Meandering Rootlands, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
62-72 Rare EliteThe Waking Shores
Name Level Location
10-30 RareMirkfallon Lake, Stonetalon Mountains
Name Level Location
10-60 Spawned RareWindshear Heights, Stonetalon Mountains
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
<Bufonid Prime>
60 Rare Elite The Sepulcher of the First Ones, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
60-70 RareToghusuq Village, Ohn'ahran Plains
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
1-30 RareGarren's Haunt, Tirisfal Glades
Name Level Location
5-30 Rare EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
Name Level Location
<Chalcedony Construct>
52 Rare Elite The Hall of the Serpent, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
10-50 RareRusted Vault, Tiragarde Sound
Name Level Location
35-50 RareThe Jeweled Coast, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
35-50 RareThe Jeweled Coast, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
35-50 RareThe Jeweled Coast, Stormsong Valley
Name Level Location
52 Rare Elite Bondo's Yard, Mechagon
Name Level Location
5-30 RareIronwing Cavern, Loch Modan
Name Level Location
15-30 RareSwamp of Sorrows
Name Level Location
70-80 Rare EliteThe Crystal Fields, Zaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
15-30 RareFelpaw Village, Felwood
Name Level Location
7-30 RarePurgation Isle, Hillsbrad Foothills
Name Level Location
70 Rare Viridescent Thicket, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
30 Rare Whelgar's Excavation Site, Wetlands
Name Level Location
15-40 RareOverlook Ruins, Gorgrond
Name Level Location
15-30 RareSilithus
Name Level Location
70-80 Rare EliteZaralek Cavern
Name Level Location
70 Rare Haven Cascades, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Vombata Prime>
60 Rare Elite Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
15-30 RareTwilight's Run, Silithus
Name Level Location
<Shadow of Xishirra>
70-80 RarePillar-nest Xesh, Azj-Kahet
Name Level Location
37-62 RareMolten Front
Name Level Location
10-45 RareStormheim
Name Level Location
10-60 RareDuskwood
Name Level Location
32-37 RareMount Hyjal
Name Level Location
32-37 RareMount Hyjal
Name Level Location
22-32 RareZul'Drak
Name Level Location
<Mate of Har'koa>
20-30 RareSholazar Basin
Name Level Location
<The Wolf Spirit>
30-35 RareTwilight Highlands
Name Level Location
30 Rare The Storm Peaks
Name Level Location
15-30 RareGrizzly Hills
Name Level Location
32-37 RareMount Hyjal
Name Level Location
38 Rare Abyssal Depths
Name Level Location
80 Rare Boskroot Basin, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
70 Rare Shiversnap Grove, The Emerald Dream
Name Level Location
<Cervid Prime>
61 Rare Elite Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
50 Rare Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
52-60 Spawned RareAspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Name Level Location
30-35 RareMount Hyjal
Name Level Location
80 Rare Elite Cinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Name Level Location
15-30 RareSilithus
Name Level Location
10-35 Rare EliteThe Jade Forest
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Dread Wastes
Name Level Location
10-30 RareBoulderslide Cavern, Stonetalon Mountains
Name Level Location
15-30 RareThe Shifting Mire, Swamp of Sorrows
Name Level Location
15-30 RareSplithoof Heights, Thousand Needles
Name Level Location
15-30 RareDustwallow Marsh
Name Level Location
15-30 RareSwamp of Sorrows
Name Level Location
15-30 RareBlackrock Stronghold, Burning Steppes
Name Level Location
60 Rare Elite The Great Veldt, Zereth Mortis
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
12-52 RareIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
12-52 RareIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Name Level Location
1-30 RareTirisfal Glades
Name Level Location
15-30 RareEastern Plaguelands
Name Level Location
<Thundermaw Alpha>
52 Rare Elite Sunblossom Hill, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Name Level Location
35 Rare Elite Krasarang River, Krasarang Wilds
Name Level Location
15-30 RareEastern Plaguelands