Patch 9.1: Chains of Domination introduces us to the shattered realm of Korthia and all the strange creatures that inhabit it.
Two new models, Shardhides and Aquilons, are available to tame. Just as exciting is the fact that many previously-unused older looks have been added to existing tameable creatures. Sadly, none of the other new models are so far tameable, but we can hope they're added later in the patch.
Flying constructs of the Kyrian of Bastion.
Flying counterparts to the phalynx, these aquilons would make great mechanical pets.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
Unfortunately, this Legion model currently has a display bug: the stinger and some of other additional parts disappear after taming. This is due to the way those parts were implemented on the model, but hopefully they can be fixed.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Replacement model ~ this model will update / replace an older one. In Patch 9.1, existing Hunter pets will automatically change to their related colour variant of this new model. See our Model Updates Page for more information.
Finally, a faithful and gorgeous update for our ancient boars! This update also introduces a new armour colour and allows for skin / armour combinations that haven't been possible in the past.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
These looks have been found on tameable creatures.
The slitherwings of Korthia could perhaps be grouped with chimaeras in a Windrider family, or in a new family of their own.
These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.
These looks have not been found in the game - yet.
Perhaps this new devourer form could be grouped with animites to form an Anima Devourer family?
These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.
The following 175 creatures retain their original names if they were tamed after Patch 9.1 hit. Pets tamed prior to this date won't display this naming behaviour.
NPC | Family | Level | Location |
Dreadfang Slitherer | Serpent | 9-49 | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Dreadfang Viper | Serpent | 11-51 | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
"Count" Ungula | Ray | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
A-Me 02 | Mechanical | 30-60 Elite | Un'Goro Crater |
Amthea | Shale Beast | 30-35 | Deepholm |
Argyle | Courser | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Aspatha the Broodmother | Moth | 10-30 | Borean Tundra |
Ayame | Serpent | 49-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Ayamiss the Hunter | Wasp | 30 Boss | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Barkmutt | Wolf | 30-35 | Twilight Highlands |
Blacksting | Wasp | 10-30 | Zangarmarsh |
Blazeseeker | Hound | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Bloodbore | Serpent | 12-52 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Bloodtooth | Turtle | 15-35 Rare Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Bombyx | Worm | 35 Rare Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Bristlespine | Rodent | 20-35 Rare Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Brokentoe | Clefthoof | 15-30 Elite | Nagrand - Outland |
Brood Mother Xylax | Ravager | 30-40 Elite | Spires of Arak |
Brumeran | Chimaera | 15-30 | Winterspring |
Buru the Gorger | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Chibee | Worm | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Chimaeron | Hydra | 35 Boss | Blackwing Descent (Raid) |
Chomper | Basilisk | 30 | Gnomeregan (Dungeon) |
Chompy | Carapid | 60 Rare | Ardenweald |
Chromaggus | Core Hound | 33 Boss | Blackwing Lair (Raid) |
Cobalt Guardian | Stone Hound | 38 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Corborus | Shale Beast | 37 Boss Elite | The Stonecore (Dungeon) |
Deathskitter | Spider | 15-30 Elite | Terokkar Forest |
Degu | Spirit Beast | 35 Elite | Valley of the Four Winds |
Deifir the Untamed | Carapid | 61 Rare | Ardenweald |
Doom | Stone Hound | 57-58 Elite | Revendreth |
Fankriss the Unyielding | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Farunn | Clefthoof | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Felspine the Greater | Lizard | 25-30 | Shadowmoon Valley - Outland |
Feng | Wolf | 10-30 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Fenryr | Wolf | 10-45 Elite | Halls of Valor (Dungeon) |
Feverbite | Spider | 15-35 Elite | Krasarang Wilds |
Fez | Raptor | 5-30 | Northern Barrens |
Fiend | Hound | 10-30 | Howling Fjord |
Fleetfoot | Tallstrider | 5-30 | Darkshore |
Frekki | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Friender | Mechanical | 40-45 | Gnomeregan (Dungeon) |
Gahz'rilla | Hydra | 16-31 Elite | Zul'Farrak (Dungeon) |
Galak Packhound | Hyena | 15-30 Rare | Thousand Needles |
Gara | Spirit Beast | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Ghamoo-Ra | Turtle | 12-32 Elite | Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon) |
Ghaz'an | Hydra | 12-32 Elite | The Underbog (Dungeon) |
Gizrul the Slavener | Wolf | 22-32 Boss Elite | Blackrock Spire (Dungeon) |
Glimmer | Water Strider | 10-35 Rare Elite | The Jade Forest |
Gnarl | Hyena | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Goldie | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Gon | Spirit Beast | 1-60 | Orgrimmar |
Goodie | Tallstrider | 7-30 | Ashenvale |
Gorebite | Crocolisk | 30-35 Elite | Uldum |
Grenich | Stone Hound | 50-60 | Revendreth |
Grizzlesnout | Wolf | 15-30 | Grizzly Hills |
Grond | Stone Hound | 50-60 | Revendreth |
Gruesh | Devilsaur | 25-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Guardian of Sacrifice | Stone Hound | 35 Elite | Crypt of Forgotten Kings (Scenario) |
Guardian of the Deep | Crab | 12-32 Elite | Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon) |
Guarm | Hound | 45 Boss Elite | Trial of Valor (Raid) |
Gumi | Spirit Beast | 35 Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Gutgut | Carrion Bird | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Haofeng | Lesser Dragonkin | 50 Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Hexapos | Water Strider | 35 Rare Elite | Dread Wastes |
Hrodvetni | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Hutia | Spirit Beast | 35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Ironcrusher | Mammoth | 45 Boss Elite | Blackrock Foundry (Raid) |
Ironjaw | Wolf | 15-30 | Terokkar Forest |
Izik the Dissolver | Carapid | 60 Rare | Ardenweald |
Jade Guardian | Stone Hound | 38 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Jasper Guardian | Stone Hound | 38 Boss Elite | Mogu'shan Vaults (Raid) |
Jetwing | Feathermane | 10-60 | The Hinterlands |
Justice | Stone Hound | 57-58 Elite | Revendreth |
Kalan'ii | Crab | 36 Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Khamen | Crocolisk | 30-35 Elite | Uldum |
Khargax the Devourer | Hydra | 15-40 Elite | Gorgrond |
Kili'ua | Crab | 15-30 | Dragonblight |
King Dred | Devilsaur | 17-32 Elite | Drak'Tharon Keep (Dungeon) |
Konda | Gorilla | 10-30 | The Cape of Stranglethorn |
Korthos | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Kovok | Aqiri | 37 Elite | Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid) |
Kresh | Turtle | 8-30 Elite | Wailing Caverns (Dungeon) |
Kroshik | Devilsaur | 32-35 Elite | Isle of Thunder |
Kurinnaxx | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Kveldulfnir | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced) |
Lalathin | Feathermane | 45-60 | Suramar |
Lil' Red | Hound | 35-50 | Stormsong Valley |
Lo'Shall | Boar | 1-30 | Durotar |
Lord Kri | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Lucille | Spider | 50 Rare | Nazmir |
Mac the Bear | Bear | 45 Elite | Azsuna |
Magoo | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Makatau | Pterrordax | 25-50 Elite | Nazmir |
Malfunctioning Beastbot | Mechanical | 52 Rare Elite | Mechagon |
Mara | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Markaru | Hydra | 25-30 | Netherstorm |
Mavarnir | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced) |
Milo | Hound | 25-50 | Nazmir |
Model GU-4RD-3R | Mechanical | 45 Elite | Dustwallow Marsh |
Netherbeak | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Azsuna |
Nightmother | Spider | 45 Elite | The Emerald Nightmare (Raid) |
Nok-Karosh | Wolf | 42 Elite | Frostfire Ridge |
Ohgan | Raptor | 36 Elite | Zul'Gurub (Dungeon) |
Ol' Beaky | Bird of Prey | 6-29 | The Deadmines (Dungeon) |
Oloh | Wolf | 25-30 Elite | The Storm Peaks |
Pahboo-Ra | Turtle | 11-31 | Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon) |
Patrannache | Waterfowl | 15-35 Rare Elite | Valley of the Four Winds |
Pengsong | Oxen | 35 Elite | Dread Wastes |
Pitch | Cat | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Porfus the Gem Gorger | Basilisk | 25-30 | Netherstorm |
Portent | Stone Hound | 35 Rare Elite | Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Preston | Courser | 10-40 | Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor |
Princess Huhuran | Wasp | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Princess Yauj | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Rageface | Hound | 35 Elite | Firelands (Raid) |
Raigonn | Aqiri | 36 Boss Elite | Gate of the Setting Sun (Dungeon) |
Rakira | Cat | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Rasthe | Wind Serpent | 42 Rare | Tanaan Jungle |
Reassigned Warbeast | Clefthoof | 40 Elite | Tanaan Jungle |
Riplimb | Hound | 35 Elite | Firelands (Raid) |
Ripp | Wolf | 10-30 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Ro'shen | Cat | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Roardan the Sky Terror | Chimaera | 15-40 Elite | Gorgrond |
Rockbreaker | Stone Hound | 61 | Revendreth |
Rockfang | Wolf | 10-30 | Borean Tundra |
Rockhide the Immovable | Basilisk | 25-35 Rare Elite | Townlong Steppes |
Rose | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Rotbeak | Bird of Prey | 10-45 | Val'sharah |
Rotgrip | Crocolisk | 12-32 Elite | Maraudon (Dungeon) |
Rush | Mechanical | 40-45 Elite | Azsuna |
Ruukti | Cat | 10-35 Elite | The Jade Forest |
Sabertusk Empress | Lizard | 10-50 Elite | Zuldazar |
Salty | Bird of Prey | 10-45 | Azsuna |
Sarltooth | Raptor | 30 Rare | Wetlands |
Savage | Cat | 10-35 Rare Elite | The Jade Forest |
Scout | Courser | 50 | Tiragarde Sound |
Shalebiter | Shale Beast | 30-50 | The MOTHERLODE!! (Dungeon) |
Shango | Cat | 20-30 | Sholazar Basin |
Sharptalon | Feathermane | 7-30 | Ashenvale |
Shroudseeker | Hound | 10-45 Rare Elite | Maw of Souls (Dungeon) |
Skarf | Hyena | 30-35 | Uldum |
Skorpyron | Scorpid | 45 Boss Elite | The Nighthold (Raid) |
Skycrack | Lesser Dragonkin | 12-52 Rare Elite | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Smolderos the Carbonizer | Core Hound | 30-35 Elite | Mount Hyjal |
Snarl | Hyena | 35-50 | Vol'dun |
Snowblind | Feathermane | 30-60 | Winterspring |
Soul Fragment | Wind Serpent | 40 | Tanaan Jungle |
Soul Hunter | Hound | 10-50 Rare | Island Expeditions (Scenario) |
Spitz | Hound | 25-50 | Nazmir |
Spot | Wolf | 15-30 | Dustwallow Marsh |
SQUAAAWK! | Carrion Bird | 45-50 | Arathi Highlands |
Steelfeather | Feathermane | 10-30 | Howling Fjord |
Stompy | Gruffhorn | 20-35 Rare Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Tekton | Mechanical | 1-30 | Elwynn Forest |
Thartep | Crocolisk | 30-35 Elite | Uldum |
The Black Stalker | Water Strider | 12-32 Boss | The Underbog (Dungeon) |
Thok the Bloodthirsty | Devilsaur | 35 Boss Elite | Siege of Orgrimmar (Raid) |
Thunderhorn | Oxen | 45 Elite | Stormheim |
Treble | Mechanical | 40-45 Elite | Highmountain |
Twisted Child of Rezan | Devilsaur | 51 Rare Elite | Zuldazar |
Tyrantus | Devilsaur | 25-30 | Netherstorm |
Uvuros | Core Hound | 25-30 Elite | Shadowmoon Valley - Outland |
Vanargun | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Vargir | Hound | 60 Elite | The Maw |
Varoudnir | Feathermane | 45 Elite | Eye of Azshara (Non-Instanced) |
Vem | Aqiri | 30 Boss | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid) |
Verek | Hound | 21-31 Rare Elite | Blackrock Depths (Dungeon) |
Vorsha the Lasher | Hydra | 7-30 | Ashenvale |
Vuk'laz the Earthbreaker | Aqiri | 52 Rare Elite | Uldum |
Wild Onyx Serpent | Lesser Dragonkin | 20-35 Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |
Wrinklefin | Ray | 50 | Nazjatar |
Yachi | Stone Hound | 20-35 | Kun-Lai Summit |
Yao | Stone Hound | 20-35 | Kun-Lai Summit |
Zhing | Gruffhorn | 20-35 Elite | Kun-Lai Summit |