Patch 9.1 Pet News!

Patch 9.1: Chains of Domination introduces us to the shattered realm of Korthia and all the strange creatures that inhabit it.

Two new models, Shardhides and Aquilons, are available to tame. Just as exciting is the fact that many previously-unused older looks have been added to existing tameable creatures. Sadly, none of the other new models are so far tameable, but we can hope they're added later in the patch.

Existing families with new models in Patch 9.1

Family: Mechanicals

Requires Mechanical Taming.Required Skill: Mechanical Taming
Gnome, Goblin and Mechagnome hunters automatically know how to tame Mechanicals. Hunters of other races must acquire the skill from a Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix, crafted by Engineers who have at least 1 skill point in Legion Engineering.

Model: Aquilons

Flying constructs of the Kyrian of Bastion.

Flying counterparts to the phalynx, these aquilons would make great mechanical pets.

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Raptors

Model: Saddled Skeletal Raptors

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Possibly unused appearances

These looks have not been found in the game - yet.

Family: Scalehides

Model: Shardhides

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Scorpids

Model: Crystal Scorpions

Unfortunately, this Legion model currently has a display bug: the stinger and some of other additional parts disappear after taming. This is due to the way those parts were implemented on the model, but hopefully they can be fixed.

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Currently untameable models

Family: Coursers

Model: Gloomchargers

Untameable appearances

These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.

Possibly unused appearances

These looks have not been found in the game - yet.

Family: Warp Stalkers

Model: Rugged Warp Stalkers

Possibly unused appearances

These looks have not been found in the game - yet.

Updates / replacements of older models in Patch 9.1

Family: Boars

Model: Boars

Replacement model ~ this model will update / replace an older one. In Patch 9.1, existing Hunter pets will automatically change to their related colour variant of this new model. See our Model Updates Page for more information.

Finally, a faithful and gorgeous update for our ancient boars! This update also introduces a new armour colour and allows for skin / armour combinations that haven't been possible in the past.

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Untameable appearances

These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.

Possibly unused appearances

These looks have not been found in the game - yet.

Existing models with new looks in Patch 9.1

Family: Camels

Model: Alpacas

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Mammoths

Model: Classic Elekks

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Aqiri

Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.

Model: Kunchong

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Beetles

Model: Maw Roaches

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Birds of Prey

Model: Albatrosses

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Blood Beasts

Requires Blood Beast Taming.Required Skill: Blood Beast Taming
You must learn a special skill to tame Blood Beasts. It is taught by a Blood-Soaked Tome of Dark Whispers, a guaranteed drop from Zul in the Uldir raid on Normal Mode or above (i.e. not LFR). Once learned, this skill is account-wide.

Model: Blood Ticks

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Carrion Birds

Model: Flightless Teroclaws

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Cats

Model: Grand Nightsabers

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Chimaeras

Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.

Model: Saddled Death Chimaeras

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Plated Chimaeras

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Clefthooves

Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.

Model: Saddled Draenor Clefthooves

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Feathermanes

Requires Feathermane Taming.Required Skill: Feathermane Taming
You must learn a special skill to tame Feathermanes. It is taught by a Tome of the Hybrid Beast. See our guide for the pre-requisite achievements.

Model: Owl Steeds

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Gorillas

Model: Gorillas

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Gruffhorns

Model: Rams

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Hoppers

Model: Ardentoads

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Hounds

Model: Infernal Hellhounds

Requires Undead Taming.Undead Taming
Forsaken hunters automatically know how to tame undead creatures. Hunters of other races must learn the skill from a Simple Tome of Bone-Binding which is a rare drop from miscellaneous Elite NPCs throughout Maldraxxus and its associated dungeons: Plaguefall and the Theater of Pain.

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Hyenas

Model: Hyenas

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Lizards

Model: Saurolisks

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Diemetradons

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Oxen

Model: Tauraluses

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Armoured Tauraluses

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Saddled Tauraluses

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Musken

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Pterrordaxes

Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.

Model: Pterrordaxes

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Scalehides

Model: Ankylodons

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Thunder Lizards

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Serpents

Model: Giant Cobras

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Spiders

Model: Great Spiders

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Model: Demon Spiders

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Turtles

Model: Spiked Dragon Turtles

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

Family: Wasps

Model: Fireflies

Tameable appearances

These looks have been found on tameable creatures.

New, untameable models that aren't yet in families

Unclassified Model: Razorwings

The slitherwings of Korthia could perhaps be grouped with chimaeras in a Windrider family, or in a new family of their own.

Untameable appearances

These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.

Possibly unused appearances

These looks have not been found in the game - yet.

Unclassified Model: Wilderlings

Untameable appearances

These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.

Possibly unused appearances

These looks have not been found in the game - yet.

Unclassified Model: Devourer Scavengers

Perhaps this new devourer form could be grouped with animites to form an Anima Devourer family?

Untameable appearances

These looks have only been found on untameable creatures - so far.

Matching mounts for hunter pets

Matching mounts for new hunter pet looks

New matching mounts for older hunter pet looks

Matching companions for hunter pets

Matching companions for new hunter pet looks

New matching companions for older hunter pet looks

Pets that retain their original names after taming

The following 175 creatures retain their original names if they were tamed after Patch 9.1 hit. Pets tamed prior to this date won't display this naming behaviour.

Dreadfang SlithererSerpent9-49Island Expeditions (Scenario)
Dreadfang ViperSerpent11-51Island Expeditions (Scenario)
"Count" UngulaRay10-30Zangarmarsh
A-Me 02Mechanical30-60 EliteUn'Goro Crater
AmtheaShale Beast30-35Deepholm
ArgyleCourser10-40Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Aspatha the BroodmotherMoth10-30Borean Tundra
AyameSerpent49-50 EliteNazmir
Ayamiss the HunterWasp30 BossRuins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
BarkmuttWolf30-35Twilight Highlands
BlazeseekerHound12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
BloodboreSerpent12-52 RareIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
BloodtoothTurtle15-35 Rare EliteKrasarang Wilds
BombyxWorm35 Rare EliteKrasarang Wilds
BristlespineRodent20-35 Rare EliteKun-Lai Summit
BrokentoeClefthoof15-30 EliteNagrand - Outland
Brood Mother XylaxRavager30-40 EliteSpires of Arak
Buru the GorgerAqiri30 BossRuins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
ChibeeWorm10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
ChimaeronHydra35 BossBlackwing Descent (Raid)
ChomperBasilisk30Gnomeregan (Dungeon)
ChompyCarapid60 RareArdenweald
ChromaggusCore Hound33 BossBlackwing Lair (Raid)
Cobalt GuardianStone Hound38 Boss EliteMogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
CorborusShale Beast37 Boss EliteThe Stonecore (Dungeon)
DeathskitterSpider15-30 EliteTerokkar Forest
DeguSpirit Beast35 EliteValley of the Four Winds
Deifir the UntamedCarapid61 RareArdenweald
DoomStone Hound57-58 EliteRevendreth
Fankriss the UnyieldingAqiri30 BossTemple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
FarunnClefthoof20-30Sholazar Basin
Felspine the GreaterLizard25-30Shadowmoon Valley - Outland
FengWolf10-30Hellfire Peninsula
FenryrWolf10-45 EliteHalls of Valor (Dungeon)
FeverbiteSpider15-35 EliteKrasarang Wilds
FezRaptor5-30Northern Barrens
FiendHound10-30Howling Fjord
FrekkiHound60 EliteThe Maw
FrienderMechanical40-45Gnomeregan (Dungeon)
Gahz'rillaHydra16-31 EliteZul'Farrak (Dungeon)
Galak PackhoundHyena15-30 RareThousand Needles
GaraSpirit Beast10-40Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Ghamoo-RaTurtle12-32 EliteBlackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
Ghaz'anHydra12-32 EliteThe Underbog (Dungeon)
Gizrul the SlavenerWolf22-32 Boss EliteBlackrock Spire (Dungeon)
GlimmerWater Strider10-35 Rare EliteThe Jade Forest
GoldieCourser50Tiragarde Sound
GonSpirit Beast1-60Orgrimmar
GorebiteCrocolisk30-35 EliteUldum
GrenichStone Hound50-60Revendreth
GrizzlesnoutWolf15-30Grizzly Hills
GrondStone Hound50-60Revendreth
GrueshDevilsaur25-50 EliteNazmir
Guardian of SacrificeStone Hound35 EliteCrypt of Forgotten Kings (Scenario)
Guardian of the DeepCrab12-32 EliteBlackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
GuarmHound45 Boss EliteTrial of Valor (Raid)
GumiSpirit Beast35 EliteKun-Lai Summit
GutgutCarrion Bird35-50Vol'dun
HaofengLesser Dragonkin50 EliteVale of Eternal Blossoms
HexaposWater Strider35 Rare EliteDread Wastes
HrodvetniHound60 EliteThe Maw
HutiaSpirit Beast35 EliteThe Jade Forest
IroncrusherMammoth45 Boss EliteBlackrock Foundry (Raid)
IronjawWolf15-30Terokkar Forest
Izik the DissolverCarapid60 RareArdenweald
Jade GuardianStone Hound38 Boss EliteMogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
Jasper GuardianStone Hound38 Boss EliteMogu'shan Vaults (Raid)
JetwingFeathermane10-60The Hinterlands
JusticeStone Hound57-58 EliteRevendreth
Kalan'iiCrab36 EliteVale of Eternal Blossoms
KhamenCrocolisk30-35 EliteUldum
Khargax the DevourerHydra15-40 EliteGorgrond
King DredDevilsaur17-32 EliteDrak'Tharon Keep (Dungeon)
KondaGorilla10-30The Cape of Stranglethorn
KorthosCourser50Tiragarde Sound
KovokAqiri37 EliteSiege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
KreshTurtle8-30 EliteWailing Caverns (Dungeon)
KroshikDevilsaur32-35 EliteIsle of Thunder
KurinnaxxAqiri30 BossRuins of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
KveldulfnirFeathermane45 EliteEye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
Lil' RedHound35-50Stormsong Valley
Lord KriAqiri30 BossTemple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
LucilleSpider50 RareNazmir
Mac the BearBear45 EliteAzsuna
MagooCourser50Tiragarde Sound
MakatauPterrordax25-50 EliteNazmir
Malfunctioning BeastbotMechanical52 Rare EliteMechagon
MaraCourser50Tiragarde Sound
MavarnirFeathermane45 EliteEye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
Model GU-4RD-3RMechanical45 EliteDustwallow Marsh
NetherbeakFeathermane45 EliteAzsuna
NightmotherSpider45 EliteThe Emerald Nightmare (Raid)
Nok-KaroshWolf42 EliteFrostfire Ridge
OhganRaptor36 EliteZul'Gurub (Dungeon)
Ol' BeakyBird of Prey6-29The Deadmines (Dungeon)
OlohWolf25-30 EliteThe Storm Peaks
Pahboo-RaTurtle11-31Blackfathom Deeps (Dungeon)
PatrannacheWaterfowl15-35 Rare EliteValley of the Four Winds
PengsongOxen35 EliteDread Wastes
PitchCat20-30Sholazar Basin
Porfus the Gem GorgerBasilisk25-30Netherstorm
PortentStone Hound35 Rare EliteVale of Eternal Blossoms
PrestonCourser10-40Shadowmoon Valley - Draenor
Princess HuhuranWasp30 BossTemple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
Princess YaujAqiri30 BossTemple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
RagefaceHound35 EliteFirelands (Raid)
RaigonnAqiri36 Boss EliteGate of the Setting Sun (Dungeon)
RakiraCat10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
RastheWind Serpent42 RareTanaan Jungle
Reassigned WarbeastClefthoof40 EliteTanaan Jungle
RiplimbHound35 EliteFirelands (Raid)
RippWolf10-30Hellfire Peninsula
Ro'shenCat10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
Roardan the Sky TerrorChimaera15-40 EliteGorgrond
RockbreakerStone Hound61Revendreth
RockfangWolf10-30Borean Tundra
Rockhide the ImmovableBasilisk25-35 Rare EliteTownlong Steppes
RoseCourser50Tiragarde Sound
RotbeakBird of Prey10-45Val'sharah
RotgripCrocolisk12-32 EliteMaraudon (Dungeon)
RushMechanical40-45 EliteAzsuna
RuuktiCat10-35 EliteThe Jade Forest
Sabertusk EmpressLizard10-50 EliteZuldazar
SaltyBird of Prey10-45Azsuna
SarltoothRaptor30 RareWetlands
SavageCat10-35 Rare EliteThe Jade Forest
ScoutCourser50Tiragarde Sound
ShalebiterShale Beast30-50The MOTHERLODE!! (Dungeon)
ShangoCat20-30Sholazar Basin
ShroudseekerHound10-45 Rare EliteMaw of Souls (Dungeon)
SkorpyronScorpid45 Boss EliteThe Nighthold (Raid)
SkycrackLesser Dragonkin12-52 Rare EliteIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
Smolderos the CarbonizerCore Hound30-35 EliteMount Hyjal
Soul FragmentWind Serpent40Tanaan Jungle
Soul HunterHound10-50 RareIsland Expeditions (Scenario)
SpotWolf15-30Dustwallow Marsh
SQUAAAWK!Carrion Bird45-50Arathi Highlands
SteelfeatherFeathermane10-30Howling Fjord
StompyGruffhorn20-35 Rare EliteKun-Lai Summit
TektonMechanical1-30Elwynn Forest
ThartepCrocolisk30-35 EliteUldum
The Black StalkerWater Strider12-32 BossThe Underbog (Dungeon)
Thok the BloodthirstyDevilsaur35 Boss EliteSiege of Orgrimmar (Raid)
ThunderhornOxen45 EliteStormheim
TrebleMechanical40-45 EliteHighmountain
Twisted Child of RezanDevilsaur51 Rare EliteZuldazar
UvurosCore Hound25-30 EliteShadowmoon Valley - Outland
VanargunHound60 EliteThe Maw
VargirHound60 EliteThe Maw
VaroudnirFeathermane45 EliteEye of Azshara (Non-Instanced)
VemAqiri30 BossTemple of Ahn'Qiraj (Raid)
VerekHound21-31 Rare EliteBlackrock Depths (Dungeon)
Vorsha the LasherHydra7-30Ashenvale
Vuk'laz the EarthbreakerAqiri52 Rare EliteUldum
Wild Onyx SerpentLesser Dragonkin20-35 EliteKun-Lai Summit
YachiStone Hound20-35Kun-Lai Summit
YaoStone Hound20-35Kun-Lai Summit
ZhingGruffhorn20-35 EliteKun-Lai Summit