Bronze Phalynx

Unused look : This look is not available in the game.

Bronze Phalynx
Requires Mechanical Taming.Required Skill: Mechanical Taming
Gnome, Goblin and Mechagnome hunters automatically know how to tame Mechanicals. Hunters of other races must acquire the skill from a Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix, crafted by Engineers who have at least 1 skill point in Legion Engineering.


The texture file for this look is not currently attached to this model, but would work perfectly if copied to it. We include it here out of interest. The texture's current location in the game database is: Creature/automatonlionmount/automatonlionmount_bronze.blp. This bronze phalynx look is available on the basic mount, but so far hasn't been applied to the non-mount model. The texture format is identical between the two models.

Matching Mounts
