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Pet Family Abilities
Each hunter pet family has a varied set of abilities which are derived from several sources:
Special Family Abilities
The following tables list the special abilities each family receives. Families each have at least one uniquely-named core ability (two for Cats and Spirit Beasts). These abilities are more varied and less standardized than in the retail version of WoW, so we couldn't easily group them by ability type.
Cunning Family Abilities
Family Ability Description Bats Sonic Blast Emits a piercing shriek, inflicting Nature damage and stunning the target for 2 sec. Birds of Prey Snatch The bird of prey grabs the enemy's weapon with its talons, causing damage and disarming them for 6 sec. Chimaeras Froststorm Breath Your pet simultaneously breathes frost and lightning at an enemy target, inflicting Frost and Nature damage and slowing the target for 5 sec. Dragonhawks Fire Breath Breathes Fire on the target for damage plus damage over 2 sec. Nether Rays Nether Shock Instantly lashes an enemy for Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec. Ravagers Ravage Violently attacks an enemy for damage, stunning it for 2 sec. Serpents Poison Spit Spits poison at an enemy, dealing Nature damage over 8 sec and reduces the target's casting speed by 25% for 8 sec. Silithids Venom Web Spray Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing Nature damage over time. Spiders Web Encases the target in sticky webs, preventing movement for 4 sec. Sporebats Spore Cloud Dusts nearby enemies with spores causing Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 sec and reducing armor by 3%. Wind Serpents Lightning Breath Breathes lightning, instantly dealing Nature damage to a single target.
Ferocity Family Abilities
Family Ability Description Carrion Birds Demoralizing Screech Blasts a single enemy for damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range. Effect lasts 10 sec. Cats Rake Rake the target for bleed damage and additional damage over 9 sec. Cats Prowl Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed. The first attack from stealth receives a bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled. Core Hounds Lava Breath Your pet breathes a double gout of molten lava at the target for Fire damage and reduces the target's casting speed by 25% for 10 sec. Devilsaurs Monstrous Bite Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times. Hyenas Tendon Rip Tears at an enemy's legs for damage and reduces movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Moths Serenity Dust The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it over 15 sec. Raptors Savage Rend Slashes the enemy with the raptor's talons for damage, and causes the target to bleed for damage every 5 sec for 15 sec. Successful critical strikes with this ability temporarily boost the raptor's damage by 10% for 30 sec. Spirit Beasts Spirit Strike Burns the enemy for Arcane damage and then additional damage after 6 sec. Spirit Beasts Prowl Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed. The first attack from stealth receives a bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled. Tallstriders Dust Cloud Your tallstrider kicks up an obscuring cloud of dust, causing all enemies within 10 yards to miss their next attack. Lasts for 8 sec. Wasps Sting Your wasp stings for Nature damage, and decreases the armor of the target by 5% for 20 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Wolves Furious Howl Increases melee and ranged attack power for the wolf and its master for 20 sec.
Tenacity Family Abilities
Family Ability Description Bears Swipe Swipe nearby enemies, inflicting damage. Boars Gore Your boar gores the enemy for damage. Causes double damage if used within 6 seconds of a Charge. Crabs Pin Pins the target in place, and squeezes for damage over 4 sec. Crocolisks Bad Attitude Snap back for damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec. Gorillas Pummel Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec. Rhinos Stampede Your rhino slams into a nearby enemy for damage and causing it to take 25% additional damage from bleed effects for 1 min. Scorpids Scorpid Poison Stings an enemy for Nature damage over 10 sec. Turtles Shell Shield The turtle partially withdraws into its shell, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec. Warp Stalkers Warp Teleports to an enemy up to 30 yards away and gives the pet a 50% chance to avoid the next 3 melee attacks. Lasts 4 sec. Worms Acid Spit Your worm spits acid at an enemy, causing Nature damage and reducing its armor by 10% per Acid Spit for 30 sec. Can be applied up to 2 times.
Basic / 'Focus Dump' Abilities
Each pet family has one of the following basic, 'focus dump' abilities. Other than the name and textual description, all three abilities are identical. 'Focus dump' abilities have no cooldown timer - so they can be used every time your pet has enough focus with no waiting. Skills like this as a way to 'dump' focus that isn't being used for some other skill and turn it into damage.
Ability Description Used By Bite Bite the enemy, causing damage. Crocolisks, Carrion Birds, Core Hounds, Bats, Devilsaurs, Chimaeras, Warp Stalkers, Nether Rays, Serpents, Spiders, Wind Serpents, Hyenas, Turtles, Worms, Dragonhawks, Ravagers, Wolves, Boars Claw Claw the enemy, causing damage. Scorpids, Spirit Beasts, Bears, Crabs, Cats, Birds of Prey, Raptors, Tallstriders, Silithids Smack Smack the enemy, causing damage. Rhinos, Moths, Wasps, Gorillas, Sporebats
Defense & Threat Management Abilities
All pet families have these two skills for decreasing damage taken and increasing threat during combat.
Ability Description Cower Your pet cowers, reducing damage taken. While cowering, your pet's movement speed is reduced. Growl Your pet growls at the target, generating threat and increasing the likelihood the target will attack it.