
Bite the enemy, causing damage.

Ability Details

Ability TypeBasic / 'focus dump' ability
Used ByBats, Boars, Carrion Birds, Chimaeras, Core Hounds, Crocolisks, Devilsaurs, Dragonhawks, Hyenas, Nether Rays, Ravagers, Serpents, Spiders, Turtles, Warp Stalkers, Wind Serpents, Wolves, and Worms
Cast TimeInstant
RangeMelee Range
Cost25 Focus
Wowhead LinkBite

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Bite the enemy, causing 4 to 6 damage.
28Bite the enemy, causing 8 to 12 damage.
316Bite the enemy, causing 12 to 16 damage.
424Bite the enemy, causing 16 to 22 damage.
532Bite the enemy, causing 21 to 29 damage.
640Bite the enemy, causing 26 to 36 damage.
748Bite the enemy, causing 35 to 49 damage.
856Bite the enemy, causing 43 to 59 damage.
964Bite the enemy, causing 54 to 76 damage.
1072Bite the enemy, causing 91 to 129 damage.
1180Bite the enemy, causing 118 to 168 damage.