Venom Web Spray

Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing Nature damage over time.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used BySilithids
Cast TimeInstant
Range20 yd range
Cooldown40 sec cooldown
Wowhead LinkVenom Web Spray

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing 1 damage/sec Nature damage over time.
216Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing 7 to 9 damage/sec Nature damage over time.
332Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing 13 to 17 damage/sec Nature damage over time.
448Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing 21 to 29 damage/sec Nature damage over time.
564Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing 33 to 45 damage/sec Nature damage over time.
680Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 4 sec and causing 46 to 68 damage/sec Nature damage over time.