Spirit Strike

Burns the enemy for Arcane damage and then additional damage after 6 sec.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used BySpirit Beasts
Cast TimeInstant
Range30 yd range
Cost20 Focus
Cooldown10 sec cooldown
Wowhead LinkSpirit Strike

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Burns the enemy for 7 Arcane damage and then an additional 7 after 6 sec.
216Burns the enemy for 14 to 18 Arcane damage and then an additional 14 to 18 after 6 sec.
332Burns the enemy for 9 to 11 Arcane damage and then an additional 9 to 11 after 6 sec.
448Burns the enemy for 15 to 19 Arcane damage and then an additional 15 to 19 after 6 sec.
564Burns the enemy for 23 to 29 Arcane damage and then an additional 23 to 29 after 6 sec.
680Burns the enemy for 49 to 65 Arcane damage and then an additional 49 to 65 after 6 sec.