Fire Breath

Breathes Fire on the target for damage plus damage over 2 sec.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used ByDragonhawks
Cast TimeInstant
Range20 yd range
Cost20 Focus
Cooldown10 sec cooldown
Wowhead LinkFire Breath

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Breaths Fire on the target for 3 to 5 damage plus 2 to 6 damage over 2 sec.
216Breaths Fire on the target for 6 to 8 damage plus 6 to 10 damage over 2 sec.
332Breaths Fire on the target for 8 to 10 damage plus 8 to 12 damage over 2 sec.
448Breaths Fire on the target for 13 to 17 damage plus 14 to 18 damage over 2 sec.
564Breaths Fire on the target for 20 to 26 damage plus 22 to 26 damage over 2 sec.
680Breaths Fire on the target for 43 to 57 damage plus 44 to 56 damage over 2 sec.