Bad Attitude

Snap back for damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used ByCrocolisks
Cast TimeInstant
RangeMelee Range
Cooldown2 min cooldown
Wowhead LinkBad Attitude

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Snap back for 7 to 9 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.
216Snap back for 12 to 16 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.
332Snap back for 17 to 23 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.
448Snap back for 27 to 37 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.
564Snap back for 42 to 58 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.
680Snap back for 89 to 125 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec.