Green Parrot

There are 3 tameable creatures with this look.

Green Parrot
Birds of PreyLevelLocation
Can Be Tamed
10-50Freehold (Non-Instanced), Tiragarde Sound
Can Be Tamed
35-50Briny Flats, Stormsong Valley
Can Be Tamed
80Siren Isle
Found throughout Siren Isle on days when Pirates are invading the isle.
Birds of PreyLevelLocation
Cannot Be Tamed
10-50Freehold and Castaway Point (Non-Instanced), Tiragarde Sound
Cannot Be Tamed
10-50Freehold (Non-Instanced), Tiragarde Sound
Friendly. Only present when the world quest Polly Want A Cracker? is active.
Cannot Be Tamed
<Parrot for Hire>
25-50Anyport, Drustvar
Cannot Be Tamed
70Sharpscale Coast & Morqut Islet, The Forbidden Reach
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Mounts

Matching Companion Pets
