Using the Stable
See also: List of Stable Masters
Sometimes you have too many pets to keep them all with you at once! This FAQ explains how to use a Stable Master to stash your inactive pets safely while you go out hunting.
What is a stable? What is a Stable Master?
A Stable Master is a special NPC who will store your hunter pets while you aren't using them.
A stable is the UI that we use to interact with the Stable Master in order to store and retrieve our pets.
To use the stable you just speak with the Stable Master the same way you would speak to a vendor.
How do I use the stable?

It's easy! Find your nearest Stable Master and click on them the same way you would a vendor or quest-giver. This will cause the Stable Master to open up the stable UI.
The stable UI is a little like a minature bank. There are two pages of ten inventory-like pet spots across the bottom of the window and five spots down the left-hand side.
The five spots on the left are for your active pets. The spots on the bottom are for your inactive pets.
(The next question explains more about the difference between active and inactive pets.)
When you select a pet in the stable UI, whether it is active or inactive, you will see some information about the pet, including its name, level, family, diet and talent tree. You also see a 3D image of the selected pet.
To put a pet into the stable, you drag and drop the icon from an active spot into an inactive spot. To remove a pet from the stable, you drag and drop the icon from an inactive spot to an active spot. If you move one pet icon on top of another they will swap positions.
What's the difference between inactive and active pets?
Inactive pets are pets that are stored in the stable. In order to interact with these pets you have to visit a Stable Master.
An active pet is one that you can access without visiting a Stable Master. You can see them in the pet spots down the left-hand side of the stable UI, but these pets aren't in the stable - they are 'with' you wherever you are. You can call your active pets with the Call Pet abilities.
Check out Calling You Pet for more info on active pets.
How many pets can I have? How much does the stable cost?
All hunters have access to the 50 inactive pet spots in the stable.
You don't have to unlock these or purchase them - they are available as soon as you enter the game.
In addition, for each level of Call Pet that you learn you unlock another active spot. You can learn more about active pet spots in Calling Your Pet.
If I dismiss my pet does it go to the stable? What if I abandon it?
Short answer: No and no. The only way for a pet to get into the stable is for you to visit a Stable Master and put it there.
But let's clarify some terms while we're here.
- Inactive pets are pets that are in the stable.
- Active pets are 'with' you, whether or not they are physically at your side.
- The pet that is physically at your side is your current pet.
When you dismiss an active pet, it is still 'with' you - it just isn't your current pet anymore. In order to get it back you need to use the Call Pet ability for that pet.
When you abandon a pet, that pet is gone for good, permanently, period. You can't call it, you can't retrieve it from the stable -- it's just gone.
What happens to a pet in the stable?
When you move a pet into one of the inactive spots in the stable, it resets its pet talent points. when you take it out, it will have the right total points available but you will need to spend them into the pet's talent tree again.
Other than that, absolutely nothing happens to a pet in the stable. Stabled pets do not lose happiness, so they don't need food. They also don't earn experience or gain levels.
So my stabled pets will fall behind me in level?
Stabled pets do not earn experience or gain levels. However when you remove a pet from the stable, it checks its level against your level. If the pet has fallen more than three levels behind you it will automatically level up to be exactly three levels below you.
Example: if you put a bear in the stable when you were both level 20, then leveled up to 30 with a cat, the bear in the stable will still be level 20. However, the moment you remove the bear from the stable it will auto-level to 27.
This helps prevent your pets from falling so far behind you that they can no longer be useful.
Can I put my mounts in the stable?
Nope. Stables are for hunter pets only.
And since you have a handy UI panel just for mounts, you don't need a stable for your mounts anyway!
Can other classes use the stable?
Stables are for hunters only. The Stable Master will not open the stable UI for non-hunters.
Why should I use the stable?
Loyalty to a pet companion is an admirable thing, but at some point in your life as a hunter you will want to experiment with different pets.
In fact, the best hunters find that having several different pets helps them fill different roles in the game. You may want one pet for questing and another for the battlegrounds, for instance.
But you certainly don't want to abandon your pet every time you try out a new one! The stable allows you to store a lot of pets safely while you try out others.
And with over 30 families with more than 200 different looks, there is plenty to try out.
Where can I find a Stable Master?
We're glad you asked! Check out our handy List of Stable Masters.
I have a different question!
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