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Grey Saber Worg
Creature | Level | Location | |
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Dragonflayer Worg | 67 | Howling Fjord |  |
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Tundra Wolf | 68 | Borean Tundra |  |
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Wild Worg | 68-69 | Howling Fjord |  |
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Varg | 71 | Howling Fjord |  |
| Patrols an area south-east of the Steel Gate excavation and north of Whisper Gulch. |
Duskhowl Prowler | 72-73 | Grizzly Hills |  |
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Grizzlesnout | 73 | Grizzly Hills |  |
| Found along the strand below the cliffs, north-east of Dun Argol, in the south-east of the zone. |
Graymist Hunter | 73-74 | Grizzly Hills |  |
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Sinewy Wolf | 78 | Crystalsong Forest |  |
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